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Goldbrand... Now what?

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Luis Antonio
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Goldbrand... Now what?

Post by Luis Antonio »

Ok. I'm playing the game with a lvl 30 healer (not that it really matters) and now I'm quite stuck in the freelancer quests. So far I have:

Ice Blade of the Monarch (already sold to the museum)
Daedric Face of God
I'm on my way to pick up Azzura's star
I've completed the Sheogorath quest, receiving the spear
Vampiric Ring
Ring of Khajit
Lords Mail
Cuirass of the Savior Hide
Umbra the sword (just picked it up. Damn sword, why does it has soultrap instead of some bashing element?)
Veloth's Judgement (this hammer rules)
Betwen full sets of armour, of almost all kinds.
There may be other items too.

I'd like to know wich other items can I be acquiring from paralel quests (ubber items for my balmora's house collection. Yes, they're on the ground. I only use shimsil and glass daggers to increase my short blade skill before resuming the nerevarine quest). Or, wich interesting things can I be doing at level 33 inside vvrfandel (sp?). Or crazy stuff I should do. Will becoming a vampire stripe me off the titles I have (I'm head of the fighters guild, mages guild, imperial temple, and temple)? Should I try to become a werewolf at solstheim and get back to do the mainquest?

Also, i've been named the Morag Tong leader. Now the older morag tong master disappeared. I've todl him to retire, and he is just gone - I cant finish the threads of the webspinner. Nor pick up that ubber dagger of his (I want it so bad). Is this a known bug? Can I take it elsewhere? AFAIK he's not in the arena waiting to fight with me.

Also, i've been enchanting items with the "sanctuary" spell instead of the vanilla (for me) fortify strength (cheesy). But sanctuary seems more cheesy yet, since I'm breton and with Couirass of SH I cant be hit by magic, now I'm almost invulnerable to the big bad guys who try to kill me. So, should I sell or abandon every item of those and use another enchantment?
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Ummm, one thing, is that if you allow Eno Hlallu to retire, it means that he DOESN'T fight you (you can either let him retire or challenge him to a duel [you know, with that glove-slap "I challenge you to a duel" thing {like in the Simpsons} ] ). And also, I wasn't aware of any nice dagger he has: what is it?

And as for asking for stuff to do, I notice your artifact list is somewhat.... wanting. You still need ring of Phynaster, Mentor's ring, staff of Magnus, Staff of Hasedoki, the other two daedric faces, Daedric Crescent (I'll give you a hint: it's in the same room as scourge and saviors hide), Fists of.... ummm..... R-something, Masque of Clavicus Vile, Bloodworm Helm, Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, Mehrunes razor, Bipolar blade, Spellbreaker, Ebony mail, Eleidon's Ward, Magebane, Ten-pace boots, Boots of The Apostle, Denstagmer's Ring, Gambolpuddy( if it really counts even....), ring of Surroundings, ring of The Wind, Sheogorath's signet ring (which you'll find later in the azuras star quest), Soul ring, Auriel's bow, bow of Shadows (let me know if i've hit gold yet), Chrysamere, Mace of Molag Bal, Skull Crusher, and that's about it.

PLENTY of a-questing yet to be done, so.... until next time.....The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Ninjas are so sweet...

Anyway, I have the crescent already. I'm quite disapointed with it to be honest, I expected it to be a huge two blade sword, it is so small... anyway, it is nice. No more than that.

I'm sure I've got this dagger from Eno Hlaalu. This dagger deals insane ammounts of damage by draining the foes, I'll find the name and post it here later. I may have picked it up somewhere else, but I doubt it was so.

Havent found the Soul Ring on the walkthroughs, is this only a soutrap ring?

I have most of those items, they're rotting in balmora. The problem is that I dont want to go to Tribunal with those items scattered in the island. I want them grouped, to take them to the museum or to the stores. Yes. I'm planning to part with them ASAP but only after Almalexia's quest to find the broken blade. Nuff said.

Indeed... flip out.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Havent found the Soul Ring on the walkthroughs, is this only a soutrap ring?
[/QUOTE]Well, I don't even know if the Soul Ring is legendary, since I just went down the UESP morrowind item table and listed everything worth more than 20k :rolleyes: , but here are the stats: it has 490 charge, each use is 98, and the effects are as follows:

Dispel 10-20 on self,
Fortify magicka and health 10-20 for 30 secs on self,
Resist shock and paralysis 10-20 for 30 secs on self

I mean, sure it doesn't really have many good uses (except maybe lightning runs on a daedric ruin), but the main point is that it has a bunch of quasi-useful effects ALL AT ONCE

So, until next time...... Ninjas ARE mammals :D
Get up, stand up. Come on, throw your hands up.
If you've got the feeling, Jump across the ceiling.
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