I was curious, do you prefer non-murderous quests, such as, fetching a book for the Mages Guild, or, death-involving quests, like, hunting down a witch for the Imperial Cult?
I'm not a huge fan of killing stuff, one bad incident with a cliff racer (levitation should last longer and cliff racers should die easier

) scarred me for life

. The Thieves Guild quests are fun, and you usually don't have to stick a knife in someone's neck, except for those few quests with Jim Stacey. It's sort of fun to completely rob someone's home, sell the loot, then buy training for everything and THEN go finish the main quest. This is all my opinion, of course.
I've never made a huge tank of power, mostly because I can't stand not being able to take things out from under people's noses or levitate over a big body of water to take a short cut (swimming takes longer

). What do you guys think?