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Problem With Craft Item

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Problem With Craft Item

Post by Babjoon2005 »


I want know What we need to enchant?

I found some of them like:
(To enchant weapon to holy weapon we must have Holy smite)

And i have another question that what is holy smite and orders wrath

Thank you
and sorry for my bad english
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

There's a sticky thread above about crafting, but that's just for reference; it won't answer this particular question.

Holy smite and order's wrath are spells that the crafter must have in order to craft the enhancement in question. They are cleric "domain" spells. That is, the only character who can learn them is a cleric with the appropriate domain. This applies to holy smite (good domain), order's wrath (law domain), unholy blight (evil domain), and chaos hammer (chaos domain). These are needed to craft the holy, axiomatic, unholy, and anarchic enhancements respectively. Thus, the only way to get holy on a weapon is to craft with a cleric who has taken the good domain and gotten to a high enough level to learn to cast holy smite as a domain spell.

I hope that answers your questions. See the thread above for more details.
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