Which 2nd tier should I do?
Which 2nd tier should I do?
Hello, I'm a Mage class, and I wanted to do something that did a lot of damage. I play with my friend and he is a warrior but he does a lot more damage and is about 200K experience ahead of me. The reason is because I sometimes can't even get to the monster before he kills it. I really thought I would be much more powerful as far as damage output. It seems like my puny spells only do 16 damage at most, where I have 6 in Arcanist magic. He hits for about 15-30 all the time. Which route should I take so I could be very powerful as far as damage dealing. I was thinking Wizard, but now I'm thinking Battle Mage, which is better? What about using Ninjitsu?
I have a 12 level mage going the battle mage route, now working on warlock. I have 12 blast novas, 15 fireballs, and 20 magic missiles that I use in that order. That combination is quite effective. As a last resort I go with the Elven sword of speed which also works. Work on increasing your arcane magic skill, the higher it is the more damage you will do. Work on your scribe skill to get the spells recharged faster.
I had this class progression: Mage-Battlemage-Fighter-Knight-Warlock I thought it did a pretty good job of giving me a good defensive base and good offensive potential. With the right weapons I was hitting for 30-40 and my nova AE spells were pretty effective. Once you get the scepter of shadows from Nasolum (sp?) with a mage's prowess with magic weapon skill you should be able to start blastin stuff at range while your fighter friend is still closing to contact..