I checked the book collection quest with a perfectly evil character, and I still got the bright wizard hat.
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Well, the screenshot looks authentic enough, and you'd sort of expect there to be a dark wizard hat in the game, but the wording of the original post makes me think it's fake. So I'm going to wait for somebody to confirm it before I try to track it down.
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
[QUOTE=Overdosis0]Does someone know if there is a neutral one? Like giving exacte the same amount of dark books and good books[/QUOTE]
From what I could tell in the equitment data base in the Fable Walkthrough, there was bright, dark, and normal mage robes. We know for fact that there is a Bright will user hat, and overdosis posted pics of the dark will user hat so I would think it plausible that their would be a normal mage hat if there are hats to match the light and dark will user sets.
I have no factual basis on this information, however.
"It is such a quiet thing to fall, but a far more terrible thing to admit it." - Kreia
[QUOTE=swcarter]I checked the book collection quest with a perfectly evil character, and I still got the bright wizard hat.
Its not alignment based, i've got the bright in my first walkthrough when i was Evil and got the dark one when i was good, its based on wich books you give.
[QUOTE=Overdosis0]Its not alignment based, i've got the bright in my first walkthrough when i was Evil and got the dark one when i was good, its based on wich books you give.[/QUOTE]
Based off what overdosis said, I tried to organize the books into four catagories: one suitable for children, one unsuitable for children, one for the books I was uncertain on, and Invalid books the teacher won't take. I don't have LC yet, but someone wanna try this out?
Edit: Thanks Frost35, new catagory "invalid" books.
Good Books:
A Hero's Journey 1-3
A History of the Guild
Creatures of Albion Book 1-3
Creatures of the North
The Arena
The Balverine Slayer
The Bloodline
The Other Land
Making Friends
The Northern Wastes
Three Haikus by Miko the Bard
The Hierarchy of Weapons
The Tailor's Tragedy
A Love Story
The Story of 'x'
Sisters Diary
The Trials of Aarkan
The Guild of Zeroes
The Old Kingdom
You Are Not a Bad Person
Arban's Thaumaturgica
The Dragons
"Invalid" Books"
Book of Spells
Bad Books:
The Tale of Twinblade
Eyes of a Killer
Jack of Blades
The Tale of Maxley
The Oakvaile Raid
The Ugly Guide
Dusty Notebook
Windbreaker Rule Book
The Sock Method
The Rotten Apple
The Trigamist
The Repentant Alchemist
"It is such a quiet thing to fall, but a far more terrible thing to admit it." - Kreia
book of spells is actually an "invalid" book, if you will. He won't take it from you ><.
When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What is the day after this day?
None of the books are for anything other than reading, except for the ones that can be turned in for the Book Collection quest.
I'm pretty sure that when you turn in books for the quest, the headmaster is either happy or reluctant to read them, and that's probably the division between good and evil. I'll update the quest as soon as I've collected all the books and tried them out.
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
The hat is real, only give the teacher stolen books (books you have taken from houses) dont not take any books from the guild they wont be considered stolen, its easy enough to test out make a new character, download one of those trainers to get enough xp to survive trips to differnet towns, bowerstone and oakvale have enough books in the houses for you to steal and get the hat. If your just planning on testing it out I recommend maxing out your will, slow time and physical shield spells with a trainer and just running to oakvale right off wihtout doing quests (remember its just to confirm it if you dont believe it, I'm not supporting cheating so don't take it that way ) and remember STOLEN books only, no guild house no bought books none found laying around sell a book that isnt stolen before doing the quest
Overdosis0 wrote:Does someone know if there is a neutral one? Like giving exacte the same amount of dark books and good books
there is, but you can buy it at some stores. i don't remember exactly where i got mine, considering after i got more than 200K, i went around buying every single piece of clothing there was. unfortunately, i still don't have the dark will users hat!
unfortunately, i still don't have the dark will users hat!
you can only get either the bright or the dark. not both
it has nothing to do with if its stolen or not...its just if you want the bright hat bring him good books which are mostly located in the heros guild and if you want the dark hat bring him bad books which can mostly be stolen from bowerstone south.
There is no neutral wizard hat, and there is little reason to reply to a thread that is over two years old. Thread closed.
Edit: Apparently, there is a neutral wizard hat in the game files, but the only way to access it in the game is to use a mod.
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."