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Best Enchantment Ideas (spoilers maybe)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Nerevar Reborn
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Best Enchantment Ideas (spoilers maybe)

Post by Nerevar Reborn »

So i just thought it might be cool if we all shared our enchantment ideas like CE an stuff.My Good items are these

Fist Of K.O:right glove with drain fatigue 10 points when strikes
Fist Of k.O:Left glove same affect

Robe Of the Monk:Fortify Unarmed and hand-to-hand 25 points Ce

Necromancers ring reflect 20% restore health 2 points fortify magicka 20 points CE

Sword of Dark Doom: Frost,fire,shock damage 10 points and absorb health 5 points.

Well thgat just some of mine feel free to post yours :D :D :D :p :D :D :D
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Post by fable »

We've had several threads along these lines, and the site owner frowns on thread duplication. Please do an advanced search, and if you don't find what you normally enchant among them, add your posts there.

This thread is closed.
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