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Warlock / Marauder???

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Warlock / Marauder???

Post by lostboy »

Ok I was wondering how important heavy pole weapons are for a warlock? Are there really good heavy poles later this is if I went the Valk direction. I mean I am debating between Valk or Marauder. But with Marauder I can dual wield a medium and a light. 2 magic weapons? Wouldn't that be amazing or am I wrong? Which is better Warlock / Valk (im female) OR Warlock / Marauder with 2 magic weapons (medium and light). Are heavy weapons used later in the game? I'm trying to decide. Someone explain to me which they think is a better combo. Also what about Samauri that would also give me inflict wounds! Would I be able to use heavy weapons if I had Samauri as my 5th slot? THANKS AHEAD OF TIME!!!
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Post by swcarter »

You can beat the game no matter what group of classes you select, but here's something you might find useful: if you dual wield magic weapons, the weapon in your off hand will just do regular damage. It won't do the "magic" part.

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Post by lostboy »

I want to be the most powerful as possible.
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Post by thoon »

There are some heavy poles you can buy, but your question doesn't have a simple answer. Against groups, the spells, such as fire nova, inflict by far the most damage. The question is not what the most powerful weapon is, but whether or not you can get it -- they are not easy to find.

Also, swords are faster than poles or spears. I had a lot of success with the dwarven axe of winter, because it freezes your opponent for a moment, so he can't respond. If you get your timing right, you can kill him right there -- whack, whack, whack ..... You can also face, say, four opponents, and whack each one as he wakes up. They keep the ones further back off you (back up against something).

There is no monster melee weapons that wipes everything out.

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