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Post by frdchkn »

In response to the first post:

I feel that while obesity is a big (no pun intended :) ) problem in some developed countries, to actually regulate people's choices of what they eat, either directly or indirectly, is stepping on individual rights. Unlike smoking or drinking alcohol, consuming unhealthy food in large quantities doesn't adversely affect the livelyhood of others. So, in my humble opinion, the government should try to encourage healthier eating among its citizens, but should not intrude upon their right to purchase unhealthy foods.

Although it would be just a tax, rather than an actual ban or limitation on the food eaten, consider that the poor would not gain access to foods that they know and love. By actually putting a tax on the foods, you are supressing the right of the poor to purchase the foods that they want!

Imagine having to eat what the government wants you to eat, all day, every day, just because you're poor and can't afford to buy a severely taxed chocolate chip cookie.

I for one, would not want to live in such a world. :D
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=frdchkn]In response to the first post:
Unlike smoking or drinking alcohol, consuming unhealthy food in large quantities doesn't adversely affect the livelyhood of others. So, in my humble opinion, the government should try to encourage healthier eating among its citizens, but should not intrude upon their right to purchase unhealthy foods. :D [/QUOTE]

I think this is a grey area and open to debate actually. What I mean is this, what if somebody has an obese family member? There are many health problems associated with obesity; I think it can be fairly argued that a family member's health has a significant impact on the lives of those surrounding them.

With regard to your second point, I do see where you are coming from. However, heart and stroke problems, diabetes, various cancers and many other ailments often have direct links to obesity, and these illnesses cost the state huge dollars every year. Thus, I do think that the worst offenders should be required to pay more in taxes.
However, as I said in an above post, this would need to be implemented extremely carefully, and it would need to be accompanied by a comprehensive public education programme. Perhaps healthy foods should even be further subsidized in order to encourage more nutritious choices.
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

various cancers

Verified. Although it may not be the food itself, but what is in the food, and only if you eat it in large enough quantities. And I mean large.

Unless it is something from MacDonalds. :p

The American government strategically places any shows about weight loss during mid day when no one is watching or the middle of the night, in AMrica. they quickly surrounds it with fast food commercials.

I have watched six shows just like it in canada in the last month.

Please, do not bring up the matter of rights again. In the last year I have heard so much about how people have rights for everything, even to the bathroom. *groans*

It is a choice. Not a right. The government however, has no right to tell you to stop killing yourself, so I say continue on...

... it removes people that smoke and stuff such as that from the genepool. It becomes that much cleaner...

How would you do that? Give specific taxes? Everyones nutrtional needs are different. I, for example, need extra fats than the English guy besides me, since I go through them faster than he does. I also need more carbohydrates to keep going through the day, not to mention the various B Vitamens...

So, it would be kind of hard. But I see what you mean. People who are 300 pounds and are less than 5 feet tall shouold pay a lot more taxes, definitely... but its just like an addiction... so then they would have to pay for their addiction. Like smokers, I doubt they would give it up that easily...
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Post by Ravager »

Part of the problem is education. UK schools used to give out more junk food in meals and now they're beginning to reform and set a better diet example. Such a thing does come at a much greater cost though thanks in part to organic ingredients.
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Post by dj_venom »

[QUOTE=Ravager]Part of the problem is education. UK schools used to give out more junk food in meals and now they're beginning to reform and set a better diet example. Such a thing does come at a much greater cost though thanks in part to organic ingredients.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, that does not necessarily work. The kids just bring in their own unhealthy food from home and eat that instead.

I think we do need to set the example for kids, and stop the problem in the bud.


Now, that might sound obnoxiuos, rude and offensive, however we have to face the truth. These kids are being lied to by parents and people who state that the problem isn't them it's the food. It's not the fact that they don't like sport, it's the fact that they are no good at it.

We need to tell these kids to exercise, because it is bloody fun.

Now here comes in the people who say, 'it can be genetics'. Of course it can, some people are naturally fat, while others, like me, are naturally the opposite, due to my metabolism. However, I know plenty of people who weigh high, but do enjoy exercise. They may not be losing weight, but they are becoming fit, which in turn reduces the chances of heart disease and all similar things, so it counter-balances the weight issue.

We need to make those kids play, because if they don't start early, they never will.
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

As mean as it sounds, it makes sense.

Weight problems can also lead to other dieseases, and also weakened or damaged knees. Making it impossible for them to loose weight, since they cant exercise.

The sooner they nip it in the butt, the better.
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=hill1]As mean as it sounds, it makes sense.

Weight problems can also lead to other dieseases, and also weakened or damaged knees. Making it impossible for them to loose weight, since they cant exercise.

The sooner they nip it in the butt, the better.[/QUOTE]

I agree, the sooner the better, if not then when that person gets to big than their joints and knees will hurt and then they can not exercise due to the pain. We have it too easy in this generation everything can be done with little energy wonder no one wants to lift a finger to done anything even if its for themselves.
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