But Fable, whether we like it or not, the federal republic of the US of A is a national state. The national state is a political concept, it is not based on homogenity of culture. With the exception of some few small and geographically isolated countries like Iceland, national states worldwide contain a variety of cultures. The number of cultures in a given state is however not necessarily lineary related to the policy and ideology of the government in that state. Especially not so in the kind of two party system you have is the US (as well as in France and the UK).
Regardless of the number of diverse cultures, you have one federal government and one president in the US. This government and it's leader has an immense amount of power. You have a common foreign policy including armed military actions, in some areas a common domestic policy, you have a federal budget including federal spending, and you also have federal laws.
fable wrote:We don't have a govenment that has prohibited this funding; we have a single, elected official who has done so. Unfortunately, the government in the US provides for a very strong executive branch, and the two-party system makes for gross adjustments to policy, lacking in the kind of nuanced reactions possible under more broadly representative parliamentary structures.
If the no power/absolute power equation of American politics were different, and power wa shared out as a percentage at all times, this wouldn't be the case.
I am not sure I understand. You have a federal government. The head of your government is your elected president, George W Shrub. Your policial system, that has the effect of no power/absolute power, has given this head of the government an immense power. He has prohibited embryonal stem cell research, he publically supports creationism and the publically states he believe he is sent by god to lead the country. If your political system was different, it would be different. But now you are stuck with this system, and my opinion about the current state of religion in the nation USA, is tied to the activities and attitudes of the current government at a federal level that affects everybody, and the effect this government has on the part of the population (and their children!) that was strongly conservative christians even before Bush.
Nor is Dubya somehow representative of the US through all time, or even the US as it is. And I've yet to see any figures showing that Bush's views on stem cell research represent those of the US public.
Ayatollah Khomeni did not enjoy majority support in Iran either. Many people fled. Even many of those who supported him initially, swiftly changed their mind (like one Iranian said "After 2 weeks, everybody regretted it so much.) Yet, he and his government had power to affect the society. So what I am saying is:
a government does not need to have majority support in order to have a lot of power and influence over the society in the country it governs.
I know Bush is now decreasing in popularity, good. I don't know if a majority supports his decision to cease funding embryonal stem cell research, and it doesn't matter since he had the power to do it anyway. Not researching embryonal stem cells for religious reasons, is a decision at federal level. It influences millions of ill people and their families throughout the whole US, regardless of their culture and regardless of whether people agree with the government or not. Thus, I maintain my view that religion has a profound influence of the US.
But we should realize that the US is really more than a dozen geopolitical cultures, spread over a land mass larger than the size of Europe. I don't think the US should be considered a single, unified culture, at all--not when you can visit large areas such as New York City, with its 9 million inhabitants, nearly all of whom would laugh themselves sick at creationism.
The numbers aren't "creationists, 50%" in the US. They're more likely 10% or 90%, depending upon where you're inquiring: in states that are almost entirely agricultural (Utah, Mississippi) or industrial (Massachusetts), and in smaller state-subsets that again emphasize differences of cultural goals.
But again, this has nothing to do with culture. It has to do with the US as a state, as a unified state with a common foreign policy, common federal laws and all that I described in the beginning of this post. At the federal level it doesn't matter how opinions are distributed, 100 people have 100 federal votes regardless if you live in Utah or NYC.
Let's take the Kansas, Arkansas and Ohio. Together, they have about the same population as the cities New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston and San Fransisco together. Let's say 90% in the three states are Young earth creationists and 10% are not. In the urban areas, let's say 90% are not Young earth creationists, and 10% are. Regardless of demographic distrubution, everybody still has one federal vote.
There is also a local level. Many children in Kansas, Arkansas and Ohio do not recieve a proper education due to the state school boards' decisions, a schoolboard that has been voted for by the creationist parents. Although the First Amendment prohibits teaching that is religiously motivated, or has the effect of advancing religion, state schoolboards can still choose to teach creationism/"intelligent design" and other mythical ideologies as science.
The opinions I have stated in this thread about US religiousity, are at two levels, federal (your government) and local (populations). The federal level affects everybody in the US, like it or not. The local level affects only those in that population, but the local people also belong to the federation and vote at a federal level. Thus, the two levels have bi-directed interaction effect at each other. So I maintain that the discrimination of hundreds of thousands of children in the US, is also a national issue although it only affects children in certain areas.
In 1987, the Supreme Court ruled that creationism was not allowed to be taught as science. Since then, a new variant of christian beliefs that propose life must have been created by god, intelligent design, has developed. According to Washington Post, there are challenges to teaching evolution in school in 40 states or local school districts around the US today.
Please, read this open letter from the president of the National Academy of Sciences:
http://www.nasonline.org/site/PageServe ... _evolution
There is currently an ongoing court case in Pennsylvania, where American Civil Liberties Union and a group of parents are suing the Dover Area School District for voting in new rules that will encourage children to consider "intelligent design" as an alternatives to evolution.
Since it's a constitutional right to that children should receive an education that is not religiously motivated, or has the effect of advancing religion, I certainly think this is a national, not only a local, issue.
But the myth of an ideologically unified US is just that: a myth.
CE, there is no United States.
I have not ever heard anyone state the belief that the US is ideologically unified, not even the Shrub. It is possible that this is an existing myth, but what I have posted is not related to that myth, it's related to the nation state US as a political actor and as a geographical unit where people, regardless of their culture and whether they like it or not, are governed by the same federal government with power that influence every single person living within those geographical boundaries.