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Is it still possible to do the investigate the mayor?

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Is it still possible to do the investigate the mayor?

Post by techic2k »

Is it still possible to do the investigate the mayor quest after divorcing lady grey? I tried talking to the prisoner but he still won't talk to me even after divorcing her. Is there some way to still do the quest?

I wanna be the mayor! :( :(
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Post by telemantros »

[QUOTE=techic2k]Is it still possible to do the investigate the mayor quest after divorcing lady grey? I tried talking to the prisoner but he still won't talk to me even after divorcing her. Is there some way to still do the quest?

I wanna be the mayor! :( :( [/QUOTE]
No because you married her. To be mayor you need to pick up the string from the prisioner before you marry her. Check out the walkthrough for more info.
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Post by dj_venom »

Once you marry her, nothing changes if you divorce her. The script still read it as you are married, such as being able to open a certain door.
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