My father only needs another 15 G for his craftsman truck.
[]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url=""]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
He originally needed $60,000 and had raised $20,000 but the owner changed it to $35,000 so Ill find out tonight whether he gets it or not! If he doesnt he'll go test in South Carolina.
[]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url=""]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Not to much, Hill*-Shatar*, unless you mean what we're talking about now. My father may drive a NASCAR Craftsman Truck and hes trying to get sponsorship. Not much else, oh, Im getting a little worried about Magrus . Aww he'll probably show up tomorrow like the proverbial lost dog.
[]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url=""]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Enjoying my day off, of course!
I haven't seen you around in a while, what have you been up to?
I'm waiting for some deliveries to arrive and have a dentist appointment later in the day. Nothing too exciting really. If the new DVD-ROM arrives I'll fit that. And in the meantime I'll spam and listen to some metal.
20/30 mins is ok...... its like a whole half hour less than an hour!
me blog is'nt online yet, im just putting some finishing touches on the site, and hopefully itl be up tomorrow, depend on wat college work i have to do..... wat can i say ''im a busy procrastinator'' (thankyou DCI!!!)
Nothing to see here people... Just read the post and begone with you!
w0000t! go links! no i read it thru, now i spend more time checking wether the latest epidode is up yet...
so wat other webcomics dyu read..... apart from OOTC....
yeaaah! link in my sig... but then ud all know who i really am..... (and MI5 said i shouldnt tell anybody that i was a highly trained undercover operative anymore..... oh dammit!)
Nothing to see here people... Just read the post and begone with you!