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Tarr's investigation: Ha'ku Cerimonal Blade

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Tarr's investigation: Ha'ku Cerimonal Blade

Post by Bloodred »

I am currently trying to complete the Tarr's investagation quest, unfortunately I am haveing difficulties. I know there are several other threads on the topic already, however none of them really aswer the question I have.
I am almost at the end of the game, and have yet to complete this task. Whenever I go to the Ha'ku Cerimonal Camp(Cheacked with Gamebanshee several times to make sure I had the right spot), I kill all the Ha'ku, and no blade. When I go up to the alter, there a deer, still no blade. I have panned over the top of the alter mercylessly, still no blade. I have pressed Z(To pick up all items), still, nothing.
I know I havent already picked it up, because if I had I would have "proven that the Blade exists". So yes, I am still on step one of the quest.
If I dont complete it I dont really care, its not like I am missing out on annything, but I'd like to complete it, just to complete it.

Anny help would be awsome!!,
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Post by Phreddie »

ive nvr heard of this quest tell me where to go and get the quest and ill give what help i cna once i (possibly) comleete it.
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