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2 more questions from the newb with all the questions

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2 more questions from the newb with all the questions

Post by Kyle09 »

Ok more questions about the game. First I was following a FAQ online and it told me to make an amulet that can open any door in the game. To do this it said to take a expesive amulet and give it a greater soul gem I think (I know I had the right one when I did it), and a open locked door spell. It said to take it to the enchanter in the balmora mages guild and echant it with 100 power (watever u call the amount of charges on the spell). Now I had the cash and I made the amulet. It worked at first but after only two uses it was out of charges! What did I do wrong? The guy said his had a hundred charges, do I need a better soul gem (I have a grand one) or do I just suck. Or both :p . Second and on a less important note, what is the "best" heavy armor and where can I get my hands on it?
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Post by Nasuke »

you have the right soul gem, but if you want the charges to last longer, you may need a better amulet. try buying (or finding,stealing) an extravagant amulet or an exquisite. if my memory serves right, you'll be MUCH better off with the exquisite amulet. as for the best heavy armor, that would be Daedric armor...and trust me, unless your a good level right now (15-30 at least) i would wait to go and get them all. the thing is, you cant buy have to find everysingle peice..and once you do, you have to make more enchanted amulets and stuff so that you can actually wear them cause they're seriously heavy. ;)
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Post by slade »

Or you can just find armor thats strong or stronger than deadric armor...their called artifacts you can get two by doing the whole emperial legion quest...theres an underwater cave called Muran or something like that out in the ocean(I do mean out) beyond Ebonheart.
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Post by Phreddie »

And wat is to be found in this lil cave under the sea, mermaids, weapons, both?
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=Phreddie]And wat is to be found in this lil cave under the sea, mermaids, weapons, both?[/QUOTE]
One of the strongest armors that grant 100% fire resistance....
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
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Post by Bloodstalker »

[QUOTE=Kyle09]Ok more questions about the game. First I was following a FAQ online and it told me to make an amulet that can open any door in the game. To do this it said to take a expesive amulet and give it a greater soul gem I think (I know I had the right one when I did it), and a open locked door spell. It said to take it to the enchanter in the balmora mages guild and echant it with 100 power (watever u call the amount of charges on the spell). Now I had the cash and I made the amulet. It worked at first but after only two uses it was out of charges! What did I do wrong? The guy said his had a hundred charges, do I need a better soul gem (I have a grand one) or do I just suck. Or both :p . Second and on a less important note, what is the "best" heavy armor and where can I get my hands on it?[/QUOTE]

One more thing to consider....What type of creature did you soul trap in the gem? It's very important to remember that the only difference between say a lesser soul gem and a greater sould gem is the types of souls you can trap. The higher the soul gem, the higher souls you can trap, BUT you won't gain any benefit from trapping something like a rats soul in a greater soul gem. Make sure you're not wasting higher level soul gems on lower level creatures. It's not the gem itself that gives you the enchantment points you need, it's the quality of the soul inside. So a rat soul is a rat's soul whether it's kept in a lesser soul gem or a grand soul gem and isn't much good for anything.
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Post by Kyle09 »

yea I think it was the exquisite amulet that I need I remeber that being mentioned

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