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How can I "teleport" to a NPC?

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How can I "teleport" to a NPC?

Post by BlackDoom »

:( I got myself separated from Hlomer Wine-Sot (Caldera) after talking to this guy.
:confused: Is there any console command that can place myself at a given cell ID?
And one more thing, is there any console command that could return to you the position (cell ID) of a specified NPC?

If I could determine the current position of Hlomer Wine-Sot, I could then "teleport" to him. The bad thing about NPCs is they don't know that sometimes, jumping OVER the obstacles is better than running STRAIGT into them.

Please, help me! I need to find this guy in the next 2 in-game days or I'm gonna loose the side quest "Help Hlomer Wine-Sot - Caldera", as I already talked to the witch he looking for.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused:
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