I honestly dont know. Aside from the fact that she kept telling me to shutup, she was helping me, so I just wacked Solufein and those other drow pricks, and brought her the eggs.
I failed the drow quests anyways, because of my RTMS(Rest-Too-Much-Syndrome).
I dont know what would happen if I failed the drow quests and killed the silver dragon. I dont see a reason to kill her, I sold the human skin.
Dragon Help
I used items and spells which gave me fire protection or atleast which resisted fire. Okay so cast these to your fighters I think they all should have good weapons like +2 or +3 minium, if they don't have then your mage might give them Phantom Blade or something. Your cleric should cast "Protection from Fear", to prevent the dragon fearing your party members.
Dragons are quite resistanced against magic but I used a spell called "Lower resist", which lowers the resistance a bit plus 1% per caster level and then I buffed the fighters with those Fire protection stuff, bless, protection from fear etc. The mages hurled magic missiles and all other low level spells against the Dragon, this time shadow, couldnt resist any of them. He sometimes tossed my party to a wall but I kept fighting and keeping the dragon away from my mages and clerics, used healingpotions when my health dropped low. (Remember have loads of them.)
I killed that Fierwhateverhisnameis dragon using couldkill. When it werent hostile I put my party so far that the dragon couldnt see us then I had like 10 cloudkill spell memorized. The dragon didn't become a hostile and did get damage. Once the couldkill weared off I casted another one and when I came back the dragon was in a "Injured", state and then I used quite same tactic as above this text.
May sound bit confusing because I'm writing this when the clock is seven at morning huh....
Dragons are quite resistanced against magic but I used a spell called "Lower resist", which lowers the resistance a bit plus 1% per caster level and then I buffed the fighters with those Fire protection stuff, bless, protection from fear etc. The mages hurled magic missiles and all other low level spells against the Dragon, this time shadow, couldnt resist any of them. He sometimes tossed my party to a wall but I kept fighting and keeping the dragon away from my mages and clerics, used healingpotions when my health dropped low. (Remember have loads of them.)
I killed that Fierwhateverhisnameis dragon using couldkill. When it werent hostile I put my party so far that the dragon couldnt see us then I had like 10 cloudkill spell memorized. The dragon didn't become a hostile and did get damage. Once the couldkill weared off I casted another one and when I came back the dragon was in a "Injured", state and then I used quite same tactic as above this text.
May sound bit confusing because I'm writing this when the clock is seven at morning huh....