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Soul Gems

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Soul Gems

Post by MotoMarco »

I think we sould all contribute and start a list naming the soul gem, the soul in it, and the value, just because it would be alot easier for people to find out what soul they need to trap for the value or power they need, so please contribute, and add what ever is missing-Thanks-
Soul Gem-Soul Trapped-Value

Grand Soul Gem-Dremora Lord-40000
Grand Soul Gem-Winged Twilight-60000
Grand Soul Gem-Spriggan-70000
Grand Soul Gem-Cannfear-20000
Grand Soul Gem-draugr-40000 \
>yes, there is a difference
Grand Soul Gem-Draugr-60000 /
Greater Soul Gem-Orgim-9900
Greater Soul Gem-Cannfear-6000
Greater Soul Gem-Great Bone Walker-4500
Greater Soul Gem-Snow Wolf-3000
Greater Soul Gem-Storm Atronach-9000
Greater Soul Gem-Riekling Raider-9000
Greater Soul Gem-Tusked Bristleback-9000
Commom Soul Gem-Cannfear-4000
Commom Soul Gem-Grizzly Bear-4000
Commom Soul Gem-Plague Bear-4000
Commom Soul Gem-Horker-3200
Commom Soul Gem-Riekling-4000
Lesser Soul Gem-Bull Netch-1000
Lesser Soul Gem-Wolf-1000
Lesser Soul Gem-Snow Bear-1000
Petty Soul Gem-Nix Hound-100
Petty Soul Gem-Wild Guar-200
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Post by fable »

Already exists on many sites, including one up on GameFAQs. As such, the site owner doesn't like to spend his resources duplicating these in the forums. If you think this should be a feature on the Morrowind resources page, feel free to email Buck Satan, but he's probably going to be focused nowadays on adding resources for Oblivion.

Thread closed.
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