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Mod idea: party NPCs together

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Mod idea: party NPCs together

Post by fable »

I've gotten a lot of pleasure out of the new party NPC mods for BG2 that have been created in the last couple of years. Thing is, though, that I inevitably end up putting 1-2 of these in my party at a time, because all their dialog is understandably tailored to the game's mainstream party NPCs.

So are any creators of NPC mods in touch with one another? And would they be willing to combine their NPCs into a group mod of 4 or more, with multiple reinforcing dialog? I know there are some NPC pairs out there, like that, but I've seen nothing more elaborate. This may not be feasible, but hey, couldn't hurt to ask.
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Post by Raven_Song »

So are any creators of NPC mods in touch with one another? And would they be willing to combine their NPCs into a group mod of 4 or more, with multiple reinforcing dialog? I know there are some NPC pairs out there, like that, but I've seen nothing more elaborate. This may not be feasible, but hey, couldn't hurt to ask.
Yes the creators are regularly in touch with one another, many have contributed to the Crossmod banter pack at G3, which allows modded characters to interact with each other. (If you already know about this apologies)

The written banters currently stand at

5 banters between Fade and Tsujatha
2 banters between Hubelpot and Tsujatha
2 banters between Kido and Kindrek
4 banters between Kido and Tsujatha
1 banter between Kindrek and Saerileth
2 banters between Kindrek and Yasraena
10 banters between Kivan of Shilmista and Solaufein
4 banters between Kivan of Shilmista and Tsujatha
7 banters between Kivan of Shilmista and Yasraena
5 banters between Saerileth and Tsujatha
3 banters between Saerileth and Yasraena
3 banters between Tsujatha and Yasraena
1 Easter egg banter between Alassa and Goo
And these ones for Throne of Bhaal:
1 banter between Kindrek and Saerileth
1 banter between Kindrek and Yasraena
9 banters between Kivan of Shilmista and Solaufein
3 banters between Kivan of Shilmista and Yasraena
2 banters between Saerileth and Tsujatha
2 banters between Saerileth and Yasraena
2 banters between Tsujatha and Yasraena

As for packaging the characters together, that strikes me as being a bit of a coding nightmare, extremely time consuming and to be honest would be impracticle given the volume of mods created. As it is mods are having to be continually update to be compatible with this that and the other mod, so I doubt it.
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Post by fable »

I see your point, but would still like to see more modded NPCs conversing. Still, the Crossbanter Pak had escaped my attention: thanks for mentioning it! I guess I'm thinking in terms of other NPCs as well, some of the best known ones (and that isn't meant as a criticism), that aren't in that group. :)

A few quick questions on the Crossbanter Pak: are all the NPCs involved WeiDU? The websites for several do not list stats, advantages/disadvantages, or whether they have their own quests. Could someone provide at least part of this?
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Post by masteralef »

[QUOTE=fable]A few quick questions on the Crossbanter Pak: are all the NPCs involved WeiDU? The websites for several do not list stats, advantages/disadvantages, or whether they have their own quests. Could someone provide at least part of this?[/QUOTE]

Here's a primer on the ones I'm familiar with:

Fade- CN Fey'ri (Tiefling thief), female, romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: SoA Beta.

Tsujatha- NE Elven Necromancer, male, romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: v9. (Note- Though he's NE, he does not do well in evil parties).

Hubelpot- TN human Druid, male, (non-romanceable, I think). Production house: Spellhold Studios (formerly FW). Current status: Beta 1. (Note- he starts out with middling stats and level 1).

Kido- CE male Jester. Not really sure on anything else about him.

Kindrek- CE Roc Fighter, male, non-romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current Status: v2.4 (note- he is immune to magic, both helpful and harmful, does not react well to magical items, and does not like mages, either PC or pure-class party).

Saerileth- LG human Paladin, female, romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: v9.

Yasraena- CG Drow Fighter, female, non-romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: v7.

Kivan of Shilmista- Good Elven Archer, male, romanceable. Production house: Gibberlings 3. Current status: Beta 5.

Solaufien- Drow Fighter/Mage, male, romanceable (both genders). Production house:

As for the other major NPCs...I think that Kelsey and Keto may have some banters, but that's about it as far as I'm familiar.
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Post by Raven_Song »

Fade, Tsujatha, Sarileth, Kivan, Yasraena, Kido and Fade are Weidiu, Kindrek not sure but as its made by the same team behind Tsujatha, Sarileth and Yasreana I'd say yes.

Just to add what I know to masteralef's fine summary:
Tsujatha- NE Elven Necromancer, male, romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: v9. (Note- Though he's NE, he does not do well in evil parties).
I beleive he will only romance good aligned female PC's, yes quests, but haven't got round to playing him properly yet. I seem to remember his strength is pointlessly high for a mage.
Kido- CE male Jester. Not really sure on anything else about him.
I posted info on him in the Favourite Modded NPC topic Fable started, quest in development I believe but if you miss Xzar he's a good substitute
Saerileth- LG human Paladin, female, romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: v9.
Several quests, add news areas and I believe another method by which to reach Brynnlaw. Won't tolerate evil acts.
Yasraena- CG Drow Fighter, female, non-romanceable. Production house: Chosen of Mystra. Current status: v7.
Although not romancable there is a romance conflict of sorts with Viccy, and rather unpleasant conflict in ToB with her. Also extremely resistant to magic.

Kivan of Shilmista- Good Elven Archer, male, romanceable. Production house: Gibberlings 3. Current status: Beta 5.
I don't think the romance is fullly developed yet and there is no ToB content that I'm aware of but Domi has only just restarted working on the mod after heavy involvement in the BG1 NPC project

Not really all that much to add as although I've downloadad many of them I've not played that far into their quests.

Fable if you visit the Crossmod Banterpack Forum at G£ you will see that a lot more modders have actually signed there mods up for future releases. :D
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Post by fable »

Bah: that's why I couldn't find it. I was looking under Chosen of Mystra, and you were referring to Gibberings Three. Time to get my mind a retread, again! ;)

Not interested at all in romance mods, so the absence of same in some of those isn't a drawback. How's the game balance, though? I'm leery of uber-NPCs.
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Post by Raven_Song »

Some people find Yasraena's magic resitance a little unbalancing. Her weapon mastery is in short swords though.

Not really played Tsujatha and Sarileth long enough to make a judgement.

Kivan is an Elven Archer so I suppose he's a Mazzy equivelent in terms of long range power (melee not so hot) (Aah Mazzy - right I'm determined to include her in my next run through no matter what!!!!)

Kido - He's a Jester so non-uber but fun

Kindrek on the other hand makes Keldorn look like a wimp when it comes to tearing through mages (not played it myself however but from what I've read far more unbalancing)

Soulafin - becomes uber

Fade - downloaded but not played yet.

Hope this helps.
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Post by fable »

Yes, it does. Thanks.
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Post by masteralef »

Kindrek is oddly both balanced and unbalanced.

He is the ultimate mage killer- immune to magic, including time stop. However, he's also immune to anything that heals, so physical damage stays on him and only goes away in drips and drabs.
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Post by stramoski »

I've played with Fade... She's balanced... She's got a few minor extras, but nothing uber, like Sol's moonblade...
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Post by Ian Kognitow »

I recently played with Tsujatha, and though powerful is fairly-well balanced - kind of a necromancer version of Edwin. However, I found that as part of his romance, he gives items to the PC that can make the PC totally unbalanced. He seems particularly written for the romance elements though so I'm not sure how interesting he'd be to have around if you skipped them.
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Post by fable »

Opinions of Saerileth? Thoughts on Hubelpot? To be honest, I'd like a good druid or bard in the party, but I consider both professions underpowered as implemented in BG2. That said, I'm not looking for a munchkin, either.
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Post by masteralef »

[QUOTE=fable]Opinions of Saerileth? Thoughts on Hubelpot? To be honest, I'd like a good druid or bard in the party, but I consider both professions underpowered as implemented in BG2. That said, I'm not looking for a munchkin, either.[/QUOTE]

Hublepot is fairly underpowered, though he'll obviously level up nearly instantly after you take him.

Saerileth is also pretty powerful. Espeically so whether you choose the friendship or romance, as her quest takes you somewhere that has some pretty nice items for sale. Nothing too overpowered, but there's an extra boots of speed, some extra ilithium, and a very nice shield as well (fortunately, nothing like 8 Carsmomyr +6s or something).
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