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Slaves XBOX (dumb question)

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Eric V
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Slaves XBOX (dumb question)

Post by Eric V »

in Tel Ahrun u can buy slaves and im a member of Tellivani. i have built my stronghold. my question is can u make slaves walk on water or fly to get them to my stronghold? :)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

I would assume (not sure) that you could
A use the boat
B cast a waterwalking spell on them (note; probably cant be on self, has to be "on touch" or "on target" so youd probably have to make the spell ;) )
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Post by Phreddie »

they should be able to swim, but i dont know if this wokrs but try casting mark at your mansion, then once you buy your slave cast recall, they might tranport with you i duno though.
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Post by fable »

Spam removed. If you can't answer the question at the start of this thread, don't put in another, please. Start a new thread.

EricV, slaves can't fly to follow you. There are PC-based mods that allow companions to fly, or even heal you if requested, but slaves can't fly there, either.
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