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**SPOILER**Where to Report Slander Resolution?

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Dyre Straits
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**SPOILER**Where to Report Slander Resolution?

Post by Dyre Straits »

I'm going to have to make myself write down the location of the person who gives me a duty/order/job...or whatever.

One of my recent ones involved going to Balmora and talking to a Hlaalu dude about his slander against the Redoran House. Well, I got that taken care of and he recanted his slander.

Now, I can't seem to locate the party who assigned this to me. I 'thought' it was someone in the Redoran canton at Vivec. OR, one of the other Redoran cantons....and maybe even in the House of Justice.

Problem is, my Journal doesn't use a hyperlink on the name of the party. Just the name.

PS Since becoming Guildmaster of the FG, and Master Thief of the TG, things have been progressing along fairly nicely.

I'm up to Level 29 now and have even stolen some documents from Vivec's temple in Vivec. No encounter with him yet, though. Just watched him float around in the center.
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Post by Greg. »

Try Neminda in the council hall in Ald-ruhn.
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Dyre Straits
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Post by Dyre Straits »

[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]Try Neminda in the council hall in Ald-ruhn.[/QUOTE]

That rings a bell. Thank you!
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