Okay, I've had this game for three days and completed it already The one thing that bugged me is the alignment modifiers for spells, they seemed wrong. Spells like 'Heal' seemed to make me more evil whereas spells like 'life drain' and 'berserk' made me more good. Is that right or have I missed something?
If you mean when 'purchasing' the spells that they have positive and negative modifiers, then it does makes sense. The good spells have a negative modifier when you're good, so they cost less and evil spells cost more. The opposite applies for those with evil alignment.
That's how it works! Geez... Thanks! :laugh: :laugh:
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Healing spell is not inherintly good. Draining a soul is not necessarily evil. Another good example is Physical Shield. Its neither evil or good. Its just protects you from harm.