I can safely spam ... erm ... post here, since this will not even get anywhere near the Goody topic. So brace yourself, here it comes ...
almost ...
yes, ...
it's about time ...
you still there? ...
(And in case you have a different calendar, and don't celebrate christmas, save this greet/wish for the appropriate period, ok?
By the way (and I know this might annoy some people - some that I know, by the way), the new Millenium is ALMOST upon us! I know that lots of people think (foolishly) that the new Millenium started LAST year, but since the year '0' never existed (the count started at '1'), every yearnumber ending with '0' actually concludes the past period.
This Millenium change is a special one; not only do the regular things start allover (second, minute, hour, day, month, year), and also more 'exotic' things (decenium, century, and millenium), but also a new week! Now that is an occurence that only takes place on average ONCE every SEVEN millenia changes!! Cool, eh??