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Ascention Mod ending game question

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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Ascention Mod ending game question

Post by Akareza »

i have already searched the forum but cant find anything on this so here is my question, ok i have beaten evryone in the final battle with milisson except one of the bhaal spwans(the last bhaal spwan seem invinsible and cant be killed)
and whenever i get milisson near death she goes and sucks some souls and revives
any ideas on how to beat the game in Ascention Mod?

ps its godly hard to kill irenicous and the bhaal spawns in hard setting
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Post by fable »

Actually, this has been dealt with, before, repeatedly and at length, with literally dozens of suggestions in many threads. The reason you may not be finding it via Search is that you aren't spelling either the name of the mod or your opponent correctly. (There may be threads that include the incorrect spelling, but they're far fewer than the correct ones.) Spelling counts. Look at the mod info you've got, and try again.

Since the site owner doesn't want thread duplication in the forums, I'm closing this.
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