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Least Developed Skills?

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Least Developed Skills?

Post by dragon wench »

We've had all kinds of threads on the "best" skills to develop, but what in your opinion, are those not worth wasting time on? I don't mean just your selection of major/minor skills, I mean all of them. For example, I never select acrobatics as a major/minor skill, but I always bring it up to high levels.

From my perspective, I never bother with:

*armorer - I find it easier to just have my equipment repaired, plus I usually carry more than one weapon anyway (CE bound weapons are always handy :D )

*mercantile - Apart from the fact that this skill is bugged, it's not exactly difficult to acquire cash in the game. If I'm going to try buying and selling to maximum profit, I'd rather just use admire or bribe to raise a merchant's disposition.

*spear - Simply.... why? There are so many superior weapons to play with..

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Post by Coot »

Enchant. IMHO it's easier to go to an enchanter instead of raising this skill high enough to be effective.
Mercantile. Like DW says.
Destruction. There's other, better ways to maim and kill. I once thought to take this skill as a major to substitute for marksmanship, but it didn't work out, to put it mildly.
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Post by dragon wench »

I thought about putting Enchant in my list, since I often don't spend any time on it. The only reason I sometimes raise it is so that my enchanted items recharge more quickly. Though, I usually don't enchant items excepting constant effect water walking, bound weapon etc.

With Destruction it depends. Sometimes I just enjoy the variety of using it; In general, however, I much prefer Marksman.
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Post by watsaguy2do »

Summoning: all my critters pop out of handy little enchanted rings!
Blunt weapons: isnt the point of weapons to kill or maim as fast as possible?thats why they invented sharp edges!!!
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Post by fable »

Enchanting. It's hardly used, and rises with painful slowness. Far better to find a trainer, or seek professional assistance.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=fable] Far better to find a trainer, or seek professional assistance.[/QUOTE]

ROFL! :D Sorry, I don't intend to go careening off topic, but the idea of 'seeking professional assistance" in Morrowind made me laugh. I had a mental vision of the PC stumbling dejectedly to a temple in search of a shrink after the strange dreams that occur when you begin the main quest. :D

Um... back on topic,

Another skill I rarely advance is Conjuration; I usually prefer fighting enemies without help ;)
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Post by fable »

Agreed. Conjured creatures have a nasty way of either getting in your line of attack, turning them into enemies, or placing you into their line of attack, making you dead. Either way, I don't like it.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=fable]Agreed. Conjured creatures have a nasty way of either getting in your line of attack, turning them into enemies, or placing you into their line of attack, making you dead. Either way, I don't like it.[/QUOTE]

I find the only way to deal with it is to stay back and use a bow, since it is far easier to specifically pinpoint a target that way. But still, IMO, it is not worth the hassle.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

Hmm, I've never really used Bow, Shortblade, spear or mysticism alot.
There aren't alot of really good shortblades and even fewer proper spears to make good use of those skills.
I use lot's of enchant because it's bothering me to use up my charges and have to wait long for them to recharge.
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Post by Bloodred »


Most un-used?? Unarmed!! Why smash, and pound away at them, when you can just hack them up real easily!!
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Post by Rookierookie »

Because there are some people you don't want to hack up while fighting them.

Enchant and Mercantile. First one is useless, second one is bugged.
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Post by Minerva »

Hand-to-hand: I only advance when I read books.

Axe: I like using Longsword and Blunt Weapons (I always play magic based character), and axes tends to be heavier to carry around. I use spear sometimes to increase Endurance.

Shortsword: I am not too keen on them, and not too keen on developing Speed attribution either. I get game sick :D .

Restoration: Suprise choice for the magic user, but I can create a lot of healing potions that works better, and as the high rank in both Temple and Cult, I can use the alter and shrine free of charge for any restorations and cure. So, mostly I use it when I need to heal someone for quests.

Marksman: I use a lot of bows in BG series, but not in Morrowind. I use destruction spells for long range attack.
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Post by Ravager »

I like Axes :p

Heavy Armour- It's bad enough with all the other stuff needed to carry around or sell without incredibly heavy armour on top of that :(

Sneak- I just never use it :p

Shortsword- Less damage.
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Enchant is rather hard to get,but i liked that it lets me use more magical items before they are drained.

But i find that Merchandise is the least needed of these all but i didn`t know that it was bugged.Mystism isn`t imporant aswell,only for mark and recall.And lastly,armorer skill is utterly a waste for me.It costs near nothing to get the items repaired that you want.
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Post by qwertitus »

While the Enchant skill takes way to long to pump up it is still one of my favorites. Sneak is just not that useful; money is easy enough to get so i don't need to pickpocket for money. And almost any item needed for a quest you can just bribe or "admire" for. Besides that hand-to-hand. Weapons were invented for a reason. Honestly, who's going win the fight: the man with the sword or without one.
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

I agree with armorer and spear... :p I've NEVER used them. Blunts, same thing.

As far as magic skills go, I usually just never use restoration, I leave that to scrolls and potions.

I DO use mercantile, however. It's not very useful, but it gets fun cheating merchants. :D
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Post by Coot »

[QUOTE=qwertitus]While the Enchant skill takes way to long to pump up it is still one of my favorites. Sneak is just not that useful; money is easy enough to get so i don't need to pickpocket for money. And almost any item needed for a quest you can just bribe or "admire" for. Besides that hand-to-hand. Weapons were invented for a reason. Honestly, who's going win the fight: the man with the sword or without one.[/QUOTE]But you can choose skills based on roleplaying instead of usefulness. If you roleplay a sneaky char you won't come crushing through the door of some smugglers cave swinging your claymore. The same goes for skills like Hand-To-Hand, Destruction and some others. IMHO your skills ought to fit your pc's personality - at least that's the way I play the game.
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Post by Eric V »

Speechcraft for me. i like to sound as rough as my character is.
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Mercantile, Hand-to-Hand, Armorer, and Block for me. For some reason I actually began using spears. :o
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