Yea, I need advice
Yea, I need advice
Ok so far I've been playing this game for three days, I've only done the first quest (the thing with the puzzle box) before I decided to go explore this huge world. Overall I've run into two problems. 1.Money, 2.Leveling Up. I can't seem to find any cash and I've been playing for 5 hours and I'm only on level two? And thats only because I've been killing so many guards I'm a wanted felon and no one will talk to me. I need help, can anyway tell me ways for your charcter to make some good cash and ways to gain levels fairly quick!
-You are the Canadian bacon on my mcdonalds sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin
To get rid of the felon part, go to balmora, go to the south wall corner club (down stairs on other side of town from caius house) talk to one sugar lips habasi to join the theives giuld. thne go down staris drop all your gold (you pick t up latr) talk to phiene rielle about price on your head say yes ill pay and your an innocent man... unless your price is above 10k thena ll guards will always attack you no matter what.. for the rest of your question do a search youll find all info alredy posted.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
- Bloodstalker
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Money at first seems a bit tight, but pretty soon you can be rolling in more money than you know what to do with. You can steal things and sell them off fo a nice profit, or one thing a lot of people do is get their alchemy skills up and make and sell potions. You can really get a large cash flow going from this if your skills are high enough. Also joining guilds like the fighters guild, mages guild etc give out quests that reward you with cash or items you sane sell or use depending on your preference.
As far as leveling goes, it depends on what you chose as your primary stats when you chreated your character. If you loaded down the primary stats with things like Alchemy, enchanting, lockpicking and so forth that you don't use that often then leveling can go much slower.
Basically, to gain a level, you have to gain points in your primary and secondary skills. For every ten points you gain, you gain a level. Use the skills that you chose as primary and secondary skills. leveling in MW isn't based on experiene points, it based on actually applying your chosen skill sets. So if you have Long sword, heavey armor, and block for example as three of those skills, then you can gain the points pretty easily by going out and fighting creatures and such. Just make sure you use the skills. If you have Axe skill as a misc. skill, you'll never gain any points toward leveling regardless of how many time you use an axe.
There are trainers you can find to pay to train your skills up. Just look for these guys where you would expect to find them; fiter guilds have trainers who can train fighter skills and so on.
As far as leveling goes, it depends on what you chose as your primary stats when you chreated your character. If you loaded down the primary stats with things like Alchemy, enchanting, lockpicking and so forth that you don't use that often then leveling can go much slower.
Basically, to gain a level, you have to gain points in your primary and secondary skills. For every ten points you gain, you gain a level. Use the skills that you chose as primary and secondary skills. leveling in MW isn't based on experiene points, it based on actually applying your chosen skill sets. So if you have Long sword, heavey armor, and block for example as three of those skills, then you can gain the points pretty easily by going out and fighting creatures and such. Just make sure you use the skills. If you have Axe skill as a misc. skill, you'll never gain any points toward leveling regardless of how many time you use an axe.
There are trainers you can find to pay to train your skills up. Just look for these guys where you would expect to find them; fiter guilds have trainers who can train fighter skills and so on.
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Ok thanks for the help, before I couldn't gain a level in 5 hours now I've gained a few before even leaving the first town
. As for money throughout my earlier files I was always playing as a knight or barbarian character, well after reading some threads online I tried it and found my true calling is a theif. After all whats better than buying thousands worth of equiment with the five finger discount? Anyone have any advice for how I should build my theif
-You are the Canadian bacon on my mcdonalds sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin
- fable
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Avoid Mercantile. It's broken, as a skill; always has been. While you get lower prices from merchants by raising it, they in turn pay lower prices to you for whatever you sell.
Get lots of cheap lockpicks (you'll probably find many in caves occupied by scum who are too stingy to share). Don't work on lockpicks that can be seen by others, because that will net you a fine. Make Illusion one of your major skills. I think it has chameleon and invisibility; both are vital to good thieves. Also, I'd suggest alchemy in your majors, since you can work up a very nice, lucrative business selling potions, while using some of the proceeds to buy good ingredients giving yourself power-ups, remedies, and spell benefits without the other spell schools.
Get lots of cheap lockpicks (you'll probably find many in caves occupied by scum who are too stingy to share). Don't work on lockpicks that can be seen by others, because that will net you a fine. Make Illusion one of your major skills. I think it has chameleon and invisibility; both are vital to good thieves. Also, I'd suggest alchemy in your majors, since you can work up a very nice, lucrative business selling potions, while using some of the proceeds to buy good ingredients giving yourself power-ups, remedies, and spell benefits without the other spell schools.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
- dragon wench
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I tend to steal without resorting to magic
Instead, I select sneak as a major skill, and practice it constantly. It doesn't take that long to raise.
Another handy talent for a thief... Marksman. If you are truly roleplaying and are not some hulking bruiser, you don't want to get too close to your enemies. Instead, you want to pick them off at a distance (ideally, while sneaking). It's a lot of fun too
Instead, I select sneak as a major skill, and practice it constantly. It doesn't take that long to raise.
Another handy talent for a thief... Marksman. If you are truly roleplaying and are not some hulking bruiser, you don't want to get too close to your enemies. Instead, you want to pick them off at a distance (ideally, while sneaking). It's a lot of fun too
I don't remeber my guy off the back but heres what I think he is
Race:wood elf, male
Class:theif (custom)
Major Skills:Sneak,Shortblade,Acobatics,Alchemy,and Speech craft (easy expierience)
Minor Skills:Light armor,Mysticism,Athletics,Security,Marksmenship
Race:wood elf, male
Class:theif (custom)
Major Skills:Sneak,Shortblade,Acobatics,Alchemy,and Speech craft (easy expierience)
Minor Skills:Light armor,Mysticism,Athletics,Security,Marksmenship
-You are the Canadian bacon on my mcdonalds sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin
As thieves go, yours seems fine. You could switch Security for Speechcraft (making Security a major, and Speechcraft a minor skill).
Personally, I favor Marksmanship over Short Blades so I made Marksmanship a major skill and Short Blades a minor one. But that's just because I'm a coward and my therapist figures I have issues facing enemies in melee combat.
Personally, I favor Marksmanship over Short Blades so I made Marksmanship a major skill and Short Blades a minor one. But that's just because I'm a coward and my therapist figures I have issues facing enemies in melee combat.
She says: Lou, it's the Beginning of a Great Adventure
Money Fast
Become a member of the mages guild. Now you can travel from Guild to Guild. Find someone with a souldtrap spell and buy it. Save money until you can by a sumoning spell, the bigger the better. Go to a empty room somewhere and sumon your thing. (make sure you have some soul gems) put a soul trap on it and kill it. You can sell your gemes for a lot know, and as you get more money you can buy bigger gems and bigger spells to sommon. I would not recomed doing this to make all your money but when you have some extra time do it. It is really worth it.
Become a member of the mages guild. Now you can travel from Guild to Guild. Find someone with a souldtrap spell and buy it. Save money until you can by a sumoning spell, the bigger the better. Go to a empty room somewhere and sumon your thing. (make sure you have some soul gems) put a soul trap on it and kill it. You can sell your gemes for a lot know, and as you get more money you can buy bigger gems and bigger spells to sommon. I would not recomed doing this to make all your money but when you have some extra time do it. It is really worth it.
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