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Azura's Star trouble: How do I reset the "Error!" flag?

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Azura's Star trouble: How do I reset the "Error!" flag?

Post by BlackDoom »


I went over Azura's shrine and, as I didn't have the "Voice" audio option set on MAXIMUM, I only read the journal entry. I went to the Northern island, following a walkthrough - either from you, guys ( either that one from

The thing is that I did not know AT ALL about the interdiction of entering that woman's tent/yurt. So, I did the mistake of entering.

As I didn't kill the girl, I headed back to Azura's Shrine, for my pay - the Star. Guess what? "You FAILED.".

How do I get now the soul gem, without "AddItem" console cheat?
I mean, what command can I use to reset the specific flag which lets the AI know I screwed up the quest???

Thanks a lot for your time and energy!

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Post by Alien_Newborn »

OK, so you know how to console additem, so just enter "Misc_soulgem_azura" and that's it. With that little number, you can collect allot more rare souls than before
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Post by BlackDoom »

Thank you for the feedback, yet it would still be nice if someone told me (and us all) what's the flag for this quest-status.

Thanks al lot, Alien_Newborn, anyway! :rolleyes: :) :cool: :cool:
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Post by Aqua-chan »

By going into the hut and disturbing the woman you screwed the quest. There are variables that can be manipulated to "undo" history, but tampering with your saves is utterly dangerous and totally unrecommended. (Yours truly managed to seriously blow up her game through a similar practice.) You're best off just spawning the Azura's Star or reloading to any avaliable saves.
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