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Why, if it isn't Miss Dressup!

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Why, if it isn't Miss Dressup!

Post by Oscuro_Sol »

I'm curious if other Morrowind players try to help roleplay experience by enhancing your character's appearance etc. according to their personality. Ex., my Khajiit is an outrageous thief who's living just for the reason of making profit. She has decorated her personalized inn room (lock: officially picked :D ) with everything from diamonds to extra weapons, and, oddly enough, candles.

She will wear nothing but the finest clothes tailored by - well - whoever she steals them from. Her glass wardrobe was stolen from a Temple, and she hordes piles of anything with a slight possibility she'll use later.

"I haven't seen such a well dressed Khajiit in some time." :D
Anyone else as crazy as I am?:angel:
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Just make sure that if you pick an Inn room lock, as in the one that the owner of the inn rents to you, the room does respawn and all items within vanish. I've learned this the hard way. :o

I have countless armor mods that are quite lovely. The Metal Queen Boutique being the most prominent. :)
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Post by slade »

I display my armor on tables and have diamonds,emeralds and ruby's displayed like a jewelery store. People are usually in ah when they see me.I try tko keep my items organized and catorgorized so that my place looks decent when company comes by :D ....which will be never :(
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
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Dyre Straits
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Post by Dyre Straits »

I display my armor on tables and have diamonds,emeralds and ruby's displayed like a jewelery store. People are usually in ah when they see me.I try tko keep my items organized and catorgorized so that my place looks decent when company comes by ....which will be never
You can always cast a Control Humanoid and make them.... :)
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Post by Raven_Song »

Anyone else as crazy as I am?
Yep but it's not madness its called role-playing. :D

My character is probably the opposite of yours ...

He's a Redguard "ranger" type who cares very little about his personal appearance (and hygiene often going for weeks without bathing - thanks to EvilGreebo's bathmod people's disposition drops because he smells :D )

He spends most of his time outdoors, disliking city life and the people who live in them. He refuses to spend money on nice (and given the design of some of the outfits) impractical clothes that would only get ruined in his line of work. He practically lives in his armour and a few tatty common clothes.

When forced to go into cities or meet dignitaries he (first vists one of the bathhouses added by the mod) and wears Ashlander garb out of a sense of respect for Vvardnfell's native Dunmer tribes.

He lives in a treehouse (another mod) so his home has rather limited storage space so he only keeps what is practical and decorates with "natural" type items in keeping with his home.
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