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'Restore Fatigue' question

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'Restore Fatigue' question

Post by Earnest »

Im new to the game (Xbox game of the year edition), and so far very impressed with it. One thing has confused me though: certain items i have found (bread, crab meat, etc) display the property 'Restore Fatigue'. A commoner even told me to use these items to do just that. However, when i click on them I always get the text '...has no effect on you'. Am i doing something wrong? I am a level 1 'Adventurer', thief-like stats/skills.
Alchemy is a secondary skill, unimproved at 10.

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Post by Raven_Song »


This might sound a bit patronizing but have you actually lost fatigue, because if your faitgue bar is full it won't work. (I only ask because when I first started playing I didn't know how things worked properly and made some rather obvious mistakes :rolleyes: )

Otherwise it might be because your alchemy skill is low ...

Or if your birthsign is the atronach that might be affecting you as I think the use of ingredients is classed is a spell effect and the Atronach absorbs up to x amount of spell effects.
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Post by Earnest »

Yes fatigue is low, or even out when i have tried to eat these items beneficially. I got into a fight with a guy who used his fists, and my level one fatigue disappeared rapidly - that was the main reason i wanted to boost it. Since then i tried it outside of a combat situation (again with low green bar) and get the same result: '....has no effect on you'.

birth sign is the one with turn undead and heal self powers.
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Post by fable »

Fist attacks always go for fatigue, first. You won't see that with melee weapons.
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Post by Earnest »

yes and very effective it is on newbies like me :)

However that doesnt explain how my character cannot get the listed effect from something as simple as a loaf of bread! I had the idea that if i eat the bread, crab meat (or other items with 'Restore Fatigue') then i would see that green bar rise, even if only a little. Surely it is not a question of alchemy? How could one's skill in alchemy determine the positive effects of bread eating? :)

anyway thanks for the replies ... im hoping the answer to this is something simple that i have overlooked or misunderstood.
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Post by Phreddie »

U need to train your alchemy, the listed effects show you what you can make with the ingredient, you need to make a potion with two or more ingredients that have atleast one effect in common, then you cna drink potions to gain the desired effect, it doesnt come until higher in the alchemy skill when you can just eat the ingredient for its first listed effect.
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Post by Rookierookie »

Ingredients only have very mild effects (say, restore only 1 fatigue) and are thus not noticable. However, if you use bread to make a potion, chances are that the potion would be fatigue-restoring.
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Post by Loredweller »

Strength (and price) of the "homemade" potion depends on Alchemy skill and Intelligence, so chances to succeed do.
Ability to determine effects of ingredients and potions depends on Alchemy skill. At 15 Alchemy you can determine the first effect, at 30 - the 2nd, at 45 the 3rd, at 60 - all 4. Of course, regarding potions there's often only one effect, on fewer ocassions 2, on very few ("homemade" most probably) 3. I guess, though, that it's impossible to make a potion with 4 effects save but by TES CS (if only form different kinds of pelts with all equal effects in Bloodmoon, have never tried).

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