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Is the Paladin spellcasting table in the manual correct?

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Is the Paladin spellcasting table in the manual correct?

Post by krunchyfrogg »

It says you don't get level 6 spells until level 28. Since I am building my paladin with 4 levels of fighter, I am thinking it isn't worth giving him more than a 14 or 15 wisdom, assuming this chart is correct.
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Post by Aerich »

I'm not sure that it's entirely correct, but it's not too far wrong, either. A single run through the game with no intention to go to HoF with the same party will net you about 16-18 levels, depending on your usage, or lack thereof, of "squatting".

14-15 Wis is plenty. You also get the opportunity to add a stat point every few levels, so if you sense you haven't allocated enough points to Wis at the start, you can add another point or two if need be.

Hint: even numbers are best for stat distribution.
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Post by Sparrow »

Some good spells that paladins can cast are:

Magic Circle Against Evil
Bull's Strength

These are fairly low level spells, and for higher spells, just use your cleric. I like paladins too, but they don't have any great spellcasting ability in this game.
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Post by silverdragon72 »


there is one quest that your paladin certainly wants to fullfill, that increase CHA and WIS stats - if you go for HOF you can go for this quest a 2nd time...

...and you will find several potions and especially rings that will increase WIS additionally. besides the 7 or 8 (?) stat points your PC will increase until level 30 anyway!

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Post by krunchyfrogg »


there is one quest that your paladin certainly wants to fullfill, that increase CHA and WIS stats - if you go for HOF you can go for this quest a 2nd time...

...and you will find several potions and especially rings that will increase WIS additionally. besides the 7 or 8 (?) stat points your PC will increase until level 30 anyway!

So, assuming you do this quest twice, how low can you set your charisma and expect to be able to cast all pally spells?
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Post by Sparrow »

The quest he's talking about actually increases Strength and Wisdom (by one point), not Charisma.
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Post by myrophine »

The paladin casts spells with wisdom. On the other hand you raise an interesting point by mentioning charisma. If you take many levels of paladin your charisma is going to affect your lay on hands, divine grace, turn undead, and the bonus to hit during holy smite. So its quite important.

The holy avenger quest gives you +2 charisma and +1 wisdom. I think you get the same bonus in HOF (stacks) but I'm not sure.

There is a potion for +2 wisdom -1 dex but I'd personally give it to a cleric/druid or someone who casts spells that have a DC to save against them. But you might give it to the paladin because they are strapped for stats.

There is a stone that gives +2 wisdom (or was it 1?). So you need 15 to cast 5th level spells (sounds like you don't get 6th). Now you need a starting wisdom of x + 2 (avenger quest twice) + 2 (stone) = 15.
x must be 11 so start the game with 11 wisdom. Maybe you need 12 if that stone only gives +1. Maybe you need even less if you give him the potion.

Morale of the story: you need just enough wisdom to cast spells, dex should be low unless you really want feats based on it, str as high as you can get with leftover, hose intelligence, con is same as str, charisma should be very high for a main class paladin.

BTW - i hate active powers like holy smite. it takes to much time to charge up!

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Post by krunchyfrogg »

Sparrow wrote:The quest he's talking about actually increases Strength and Wisdom (by one point), not Charisma.
OOps, I meant wisdom.
myrophine wrote:The paladin casts spells with wisdom. On the other hand you raise an interesting point by mentioning charisma. If you take many levels of paladin your charisma is going to affect your lay on hands, divine grace, turn undead, and the bonus to hit during holy smite. So its quite important.
It was by mistake, I meant wisdom. Still very good to know, thanks! :)
Morale of the story: you need just enough wisdom to cast spells, dex should be low unless you really want feats based on it, str as high as you can get with leftover, hose intelligence, con is same as str, charisma should be very high for a main class paladin.
I like the 13 dexterity feats. Dodge and dirty fighting are pretty good.
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Post by Sparrow »

Dirty Fighting is particularly good if you take the improved critical feat, which increases your critical hit range. Also it's good when you use a scimitar, which has a natural 3 point critical hit range.
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

I agree Sparrow. I don't know much about this game, but in my experience with 3e, with the right feats scimitars are one of the best weapons you can get.
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Post by myrophine »

I don't know about dirty fighting? I usually concentrate fire on 1 guy and if he gets blinded or maimed or whatever by dirty fighting it usually makes not much difference (especially considering he just got critted).

I mean I don't care if he goes blind in the hereafter do I?

This goes double for x3 crit weapons such as axes...

I guess the problem is that anyone with truckloads of hitpoints makes their saving throw or is immune (usually). And if they fail they can probably hit you when blinded too! Maybe not too bad for unmodded cera sumat as that doesn't hit all that hard being a 1 handed weapon.

Personally I'd rather have +4 in strength and be wielding 2 handed modded cera sumat.

I suppose it depends on if you use 1 hand or 2 hand weapons. I don't think dual wield is good because it only gives 1 extra attack (good at level 1-5) but once you get a lot of attacks it doesn't matter as much. Plus not many good offhanded weapons that give special properties that affect the main hand (like belm/kundane/equalizer/crom faeyr). Shields aren't that good either since AC is not as effective as smacking them dead and good shields are not around.

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Post by krunchyfrogg »

Good advice there, myrophine, but I'm not going to mod my first time through the game.
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Post by myrophine »

Fair enough :) Then you can enjoy the mods the next time through.


Hint: sneak attack is decent with dual wield (when flanking), but maybe not applying to a paladin you don't want to dilute pally levels too much with.
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