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I need a little help with some things not already in posts

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I need a little help with some things not already in posts

Post by maalri »

I just started playing ToEE and patched with Atari 1+2 and Co8 4 (the newest I think)... I started out with these patches in place and chose NOT to have the characters naked, or to have the custom armor, or desperate housewives active, but I thought that Co8 patch was supposed to let me have more than 5 characters at the start, there was no option for that. Also, can anyone answer these questions for me? Some things I can't figure out... Why won't Terjon ask for the note I found along with his medallion in Emerilly Fields? I am just carrying that thing around. Same thing with the Giant's head and the Blacksmith in Homlett- even before I got it he was offering me a masterwork weapon or two, but not, say longswords. So I am carrying that around as well. I can't figure out how to scribe scroll, it doesn't seem to be in my radial menu anywhere! I read a post about it being there so I will try again to find it but I looked REAL hard the first 4 times. Thanks
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

[QUOTE=maalri]I just started playing ToEE and patched with Atari 1+2 and Co8 4 (the newest I think)... I started out with these patches in place and chose NOT to have the characters naked, or to have the custom armor, or desperate housewives active, but I thought that Co8 patch was supposed to let me have more than 5 characters at the start, there was no option for that. Also, can anyone answer these questions for me? Some things I can't figure out... Why won't Terjon ask for the note I found along with his medallion in Emerilly Fields? I am just carrying that thing around. Same thing with the Giant's head and the Blacksmith in Homlett- even before I got it he was offering me a masterwork weapon or two, but not, say longswords. So I am carrying that around as well. I can't figure out how to scribe scroll, it doesn't seem to be in my radial menu anywhere! I read a post about it being there so I will try again to find it but I looked REAL hard the first 4 times. Thanks[/QUOTE]
1. Haven't messed with co8 4.0, so I can't really help you there. Just off the top of my head, is it possible you need to use the book at the inn in Homlett to add members 6-8? Just a guess.

2. Terjon doesn't need the note. That's more for you. I think it's in case you go to Emridy Meadows via someone else telling you about them, then find the rock and the stuff in there, you will be able to use the note to see what that stuff signifies. You can drop the note (unless Liv did something with the note, that is, which I don't think she did). With this, though, and with the head or any other items you might think you'll need down the line but don't want to carry around, just dump them in the well by the Jeweler's house. It works like a chest, and you can store whatever you want in there. I use it to hold the masterwork maul from the evil traders, e.g.

3. Scribing definitely an option in the radial menu, but only if you have the scribe scroll feat. Wizards get that automatically, but anybody else needs to have the feat. If you have the feat, look again. It should be an option even if you can't use it (not a safe area).
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Post by maalri »

Thanks for the great Info "LP" I will have to check if my Wizard has Scribe, and get it for my Sorcerer. How important is that Maul anyway? I haven't used the walkthrough, but did get a lot info before playing the game and am sort of winging it the first time through. It seems this one will be fun enough to play more than once.

As far as the note I will put it and the Giant's head in the well- thanks for that great tip- I have noticed that things tend to stay where enemies drop them even after I leave that map and come back- at least in programmed areas. Someone over at said that to expand the size of the party you need to "hex edit" or something like that.. I don't know how to, nor do I really care about that particular edit, but I hope the other parts of Co8 Patch are automatic like the level cap fix!! I am a player not a programmer! LOL Those guys and Liv and all these patches for this game are great. I am looking forward to more quests, and higher levels (I am level 5 already and not even done with the Moathouse! and already killed a giant!) so I hope a lot of the fixes are automatic.
It's better to to take your chances and live life, than to look back later and wish you had.
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