Jaheira Romance ANSWERS!!!!! *SPOILERS GALORE!!!!*
Here is the link to it..
[This message has been edited by Chrissy(Edit 3-27-2001)]
[This message has been edited by Chrissy(Edit 3-27-2001)]
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
First, you must setup Baldur's Gate 2 for Debug Mode. You do this by opening "baldur.ini", a file located in your Baldur's Gate 2 directory. Open it up with a text file editor (like notepad). Make a backup copy of the file, say, "baldur.bak" just incase something goes wrong. Then, go back to baldur.ini . Anywhere under the [Program Options] header, place the following: "Debug Mode=1", without the quotes.
This allows access to the CLUAConsole during the game.
Now launch Baldur's Gate 2. load up the game that you want to do variable checking on. Once you are inside the game, hit CTRL+SPACE on the keyboard; if done correctly, a small text input console should appear. This is the CLUAConsole.
If you need help with specific CLUAConsole commands, don't hesitate to contact Gamebanshee's forum again.
This allows access to the CLUAConsole during the game.
Now launch Baldur's Gate 2. load up the game that you want to do variable checking on. Once you are inside the game, hit CTRL+SPACE on the keyboard; if done correctly, a small text input console should appear. This is the CLUAConsole.
If you need help with specific CLUAConsole commands, don't hesitate to contact Gamebanshee's forum again.

After underdark :Originally posted by fallout:
I am in underdark and romence still going. Then she ask about last battle thing 3 times.
I didnt kill Dermin yet. Romance point 52
Any suggestions. ? I hope this will solve when i kill dermin.
I kill dermin and romence get well. So dont afraid if you get 3 or 4 "what was last fight conversation" before killing dermin.
But for me its very late because i finished every quest before underdark. And remaining quests dont suffice.

Here is a bug for all of you...
I'm in hell fixing to to put the last piece in the slot so Irenicus will appear...I put the piece in and he appears...fight starts..Jaheira then starts asking 'How did that last fight make you feel'...so I get stuck in a loop..
'How did that last fight make you feel'
'How did that last fight make you feel'
No matter what I answered she would not stop asking...I finally reloaded and it quit...
I did like Jaheira...but last night I seriously thought about killing her to just to make her shut up.
Weasel the Destroyer of Spam
Weasel the Destroyer of Flying Triangles
But all of them there lights sure make one dorn tootin good huntin buggy
I'm in hell fixing to to put the last piece in the slot so Irenicus will appear...I put the piece in and he appears...fight starts..Jaheira then starts asking 'How did that last fight make you feel'...so I get stuck in a loop..
'How did that last fight make you feel'
'How did that last fight make you feel'
No matter what I answered she would not stop asking...I finally reloaded and it quit...
I did like Jaheira...but last night I seriously thought about killing her to just to make her shut up.
Weasel the Destroyer of Spam
Weasel the Destroyer of Flying Triangles
But all of them there lights sure make one dorn tootin good huntin buggy
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
In order to first use these codes, you must edit a file in the directory where you installed the game. Remember, whenever editing a game file, be sure to make a back-up just in case something goes wrong. Go into the game directory and find the Baldur.ini file. Open it with a program like Notepad or Wordpad and locate the [Program Options] line. Under that heading add a line that says "Debug Mode=1" (without the quotes). You will then be able to open the console during the game, which will allow you to enter the useful cheat codes. To open the console while playing, press CTRL+SPACE.
- Part 1
During my games I have encountered the most annoying bug that is wide known as Jaheira's romance & Harper plot bug. Mainly this thing forced me to seek the solution on Gamebanshee Forum. I've found more than 100 topics concerned on Jaheira's problem. It have taken long time to obtain the end of romance. Once it is finished for few next months I would like to gather the whole information that I have found during playing BG2 as well as reading your topics on this board and try to do some summary of this.
So, let's get started :
Subject of guide :
of course, she is NPC in BG2 and in BG1 as well, her story and characteristics could be found on NPCs and NPC interactions pages on this site. One thing that could be added is that she lost her husband Khalid. He was possibly killed during the battle with Irenicus's servants that captured protagonist's party.
How to start romance ?
One should simply start 2nd chapter of Baldur's Gate. There are no romancing during 1st chapter and later in 4th and 5th . After you end your conversation with Gaelan Bayle and his son/cousin takes you to Copper Coronet and several moments she should start her first dialogue (it is indicated by Jaheira's romance music) : "So, where to now, fearless leader ?"
How we romance her further ?
Jaheira is actually very stable and independent. She gets over Khalid's death while vowing revenge at the same time. She turns to the PC as a friend because that's what you are, the romantic aspect is developed over time, the fact that she decides to side with you over the Harpers makes her see her true feelings. You could find other general answers on NPCs page on this site. But I will mention things that are necessary to do:
-do not choose the stupid answers like "I'm child of Bhaal, so you are my slave"
-you should do quest with poisoned Renfeld to start Harpers quests.
-the Jaheira's curse quest should be solved.
-to conclude romance Harpers quests should be finished.
-find the way to not sleep with Phaere in Ust'Nasha or to explain it Jaheira.
-do reverse vampirism quest in chap.6
How we check if romance is still ok ?
1 If you could buy the locket from merchant from docks district.
2 Do Aerie's Test - If you have her in the party just attack her until she has less than 10 hp (indicates if romance is looped)
3 Do Jaheira's Test (available if you have Keldorn in the party) - attack her until she has less than 15 hp.
4 Using shadowkeeper check the value of JaheiraRomanceActive variable. 1 and 2 indicates that romance is ok. 3 means that romance is over.
5 JaheiraRomanceActive could be checked using CLUAConsole :
How to use CLUAConsole ?
Firstly you have to add one line in Baldur.Ini file in your main BG2 folder in [Program Options] section : Debug Mode=1
Then in game you should press ctrl+space to open the console, there you could type your commands.
List of commands that are useful during Jaheira's romance :
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("Lovetalk","LOCALS") - Check your love talk rating with a given character. You must have your mouse pointer over that character's portrait to use this.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",XX) - Sets your love talk to a given rating, where XX is a number. You must have your mouse pointer over that character's portrait to use this.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","GLOBAL",1) - Re-sets the countdown timer to one, forcing the next romance dialogue to begin. May not always work if there's a scripted prerequisite attached to the next dialogue (i.e. "Party must rest for 8 hours in forest to trigger dialogue" if you're in the Copper Coronet). You may substitute Jaheira's name for any of the other romances (i.e. AerieRomance, ViconiaRomance, AnomenRomance).
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL") - check whether romance is over or not.

During my games I have encountered the most annoying bug that is wide known as Jaheira's romance & Harper plot bug. Mainly this thing forced me to seek the solution on Gamebanshee Forum. I've found more than 100 topics concerned on Jaheira's problem. It have taken long time to obtain the end of romance. Once it is finished for few next months I would like to gather the whole information that I have found during playing BG2 as well as reading your topics on this board and try to do some summary of this.
So, let's get started :
Subject of guide :

How to start romance ?
One should simply start 2nd chapter of Baldur's Gate. There are no romancing during 1st chapter and later in 4th and 5th . After you end your conversation with Gaelan Bayle and his son/cousin takes you to Copper Coronet and several moments she should start her first dialogue (it is indicated by Jaheira's romance music) : "So, where to now, fearless leader ?"
How we romance her further ?
Jaheira is actually very stable and independent. She gets over Khalid's death while vowing revenge at the same time. She turns to the PC as a friend because that's what you are, the romantic aspect is developed over time, the fact that she decides to side with you over the Harpers makes her see her true feelings. You could find other general answers on NPCs page on this site. But I will mention things that are necessary to do:
-do not choose the stupid answers like "I'm child of Bhaal, so you are my slave"
-you should do quest with poisoned Renfeld to start Harpers quests.
-the Jaheira's curse quest should be solved.
-to conclude romance Harpers quests should be finished.
-find the way to not sleep with Phaere in Ust'Nasha or to explain it Jaheira.
-do reverse vampirism quest in chap.6
How we check if romance is still ok ?
1 If you could buy the locket from merchant from docks district.
2 Do Aerie's Test - If you have her in the party just attack her until she has less than 10 hp (indicates if romance is looped)
3 Do Jaheira's Test (available if you have Keldorn in the party) - attack her until she has less than 15 hp.
4 Using shadowkeeper check the value of JaheiraRomanceActive variable. 1 and 2 indicates that romance is ok. 3 means that romance is over.
5 JaheiraRomanceActive could be checked using CLUAConsole :
How to use CLUAConsole ?
Firstly you have to add one line in Baldur.Ini file in your main BG2 folder in [Program Options] section : Debug Mode=1
Then in game you should press ctrl+space to open the console, there you could type your commands.
List of commands that are useful during Jaheira's romance :
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("Lovetalk","LOCALS") - Check your love talk rating with a given character. You must have your mouse pointer over that character's portrait to use this.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",XX) - Sets your love talk to a given rating, where XX is a number. You must have your mouse pointer over that character's portrait to use this.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","GLOBAL",1) - Re-sets the countdown timer to one, forcing the next romance dialogue to begin. May not always work if there's a scripted prerequisite attached to the next dialogue (i.e. "Party must rest for 8 hours in forest to trigger dialogue" if you're in the Copper Coronet). You may substitute Jaheira's name for any of the other romances (i.e. AerieRomance, ViconiaRomance, AnomenRomance).
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL") - check whether romance is over or not.
So sayeh
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
The looping
The romance script was written by someone that should be fired immediately from Bioware. Sometimes Jaheira starts talking to protagonist in random places. She repeats last (or in some cases next) dialogue - and that means only the worst - your romance is looped. Generally the problem is with two timers in game - one is real timer (5 min is 5 min) and game world timer (where 5 min real time it is 1 hour game time). That is the reason why we shouldn't sleep many days in game in aim to receive the next dialogue (DON'T DO IT). From technical point of view the Romance scripts are governed by lovetalk variable assigned for all possibly romance interests (Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia, Anomen). It shows how far you are along in the script. (Jaheira's max lovetalk=70, Aerie's =49, Viconia's=53). In normal case Jaheira's (or other romance interest) dialogues appear after every one hour of real time. But sometimes there other conditions that should be performed to trigger the next dialogue. Sometimes it is enough to leave the current area and in the place of destination she starts talking to you but in some cases everything is different - the prerequisites for next dialogues are connected with Harper quests that operate in game-time. This means as Kordeth said that if Dermin's appear is scheduled to appear X number of days after Y event, it'll happen in 5 real-time minutes if you sit and rest. However, if you aren't already at the lovetalk rating of 53 (which is indicated by "Aach, the dawning our day..." dialogue), you will surely be looped and romance can't be concluded without using CLUAConsole or ShadowKeeper. The looping is usually caused in following moments of romance :
Lovetalk 27
- one cannot encounter bandits to save Jaheira - solution : try to go to Graveyard, Slums, Gates district or outside city, you should encounter some bandits, close to them is poisoned Renfeld that will ask you to bring him to Harper HQ. Do it and not very far from Sea's Bounty Tavern Xzar will appear and ask you to find Montaron, his missing companion who tried to steal in Harper HQ. You will be able to enter to HQ after you kill some weak mages and creatures in one of houses in docks district (guy named Rylock will tell you where is it). Finally Xzar is killed by Harper's assassin. Then you should go outside the city (windspear hills for example) and rest. Next day Bandits group should appear. If not then there is problem. So you could :
-reload earlier savegame and try to follow steps shown above.
-install official patch and Kevin Dorner's patch.
-if it doesn't help you could try to add the following statements to your save game using shadowkeeper :
DerminSpawn=1, RevianeAppear=0, DerminAppear=0 and the local for Jaheira RevianeSpawn=1 (probably not necessary, but also the globals could be added TerminselSpawn=0 and TerminselAppear=0).
Lovetalk=40 -
one should meet with Dermin first time. I haven't the problem with this encounter but I think that it is possible place where something goes wrong and finally we won't get "dawning our day" dialogue (maybe incorrect change of lovetalk value).
Lovetalk= 49,51,52,53,54
- famous third meeting with Dermin and "Dawning our day" dialogue problem.
First thing is that Dermin simply doesn't want to appear with his weak party - possible solution (I don't if it works because I haven't any problems with Dermin):
-Download [url="http://www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip"]www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip[/url] file. It's the Jaheira romance script, edited to remove the requirement of Dermin from the 53+ Love Talk rating advancements. I don't know if it fixes any other similar wire-crossings earlier in the script.
Second thing is with "Dawning our day" dialogue - there the situation is much more complicated because nobody has a really permanent solution of this problem. The similar situation is with repeated "How...how did that last battle make you feel" (in my games this moment is looped sometimes but usually there is no problem) , possible solutions :
-install official & Kevin's patch
-try to spend some time out of doors.
-reload earlier (e.g. before "How...how did that last battle make you feel") savegame and try to play normally.
-if all these things failed you would use CLUAConsole to change your lovetalk to 55 :
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",55) with pointer indicating Jaheira's picture when you press enter.
How it works ?
[Quith quotation] For some reason, you sometimes only have 53 as your lovetalk rating just before the final Dermin encounter, when you should in fact have 55. What then happens is you meet Dermin, gain 2 lovetalk points, which takes you to 55. DotD takes you to 57 where nothing happens. Simply slap it up to 55, rest outside (at least 9 hours before the final Dermin meet) and you'll get Dawn of the Day, and a lovetalk of 57 (knocked up to about 59 by Dermin).
But there is one danger in this method that would be described later.
I thing that there are no 100 % solution for this problem, but there are some things that could help.
Lovetalk= 70 - if we changed lovetalk using shadowkeeper we could expect that in case of some Jaheira's dialogues with other NPCs she could be looped again (and we can "sleep" with her every second - she repeats "Good Morning" dialogue, thanks this bug we could obtain infinite number of Terminsels on the screen with Harper pins and 100000 XP.).There are no solution for this bug. I've heard that there is another problem with not appearing Terminsel - solution :
-install Kevin Dorner's path
-if it doesn't work then you could try :

The looping

The romance script was written by someone that should be fired immediately from Bioware. Sometimes Jaheira starts talking to protagonist in random places. She repeats last (or in some cases next) dialogue - and that means only the worst - your romance is looped. Generally the problem is with two timers in game - one is real timer (5 min is 5 min) and game world timer (where 5 min real time it is 1 hour game time). That is the reason why we shouldn't sleep many days in game in aim to receive the next dialogue (DON'T DO IT). From technical point of view the Romance scripts are governed by lovetalk variable assigned for all possibly romance interests (Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia, Anomen). It shows how far you are along in the script. (Jaheira's max lovetalk=70, Aerie's =49, Viconia's=53). In normal case Jaheira's (or other romance interest) dialogues appear after every one hour of real time. But sometimes there other conditions that should be performed to trigger the next dialogue. Sometimes it is enough to leave the current area and in the place of destination she starts talking to you but in some cases everything is different - the prerequisites for next dialogues are connected with Harper quests that operate in game-time. This means as Kordeth said that if Dermin's appear is scheduled to appear X number of days after Y event, it'll happen in 5 real-time minutes if you sit and rest. However, if you aren't already at the lovetalk rating of 53 (which is indicated by "Aach, the dawning our day..." dialogue), you will surely be looped and romance can't be concluded without using CLUAConsole or ShadowKeeper. The looping is usually caused in following moments of romance :
Lovetalk 27

-reload earlier savegame and try to follow steps shown above.
-install official patch and Kevin Dorner's patch.
-if it doesn't help you could try to add the following statements to your save game using shadowkeeper :
DerminSpawn=1, RevianeAppear=0, DerminAppear=0 and the local for Jaheira RevianeSpawn=1 (probably not necessary, but also the globals could be added TerminselSpawn=0 and TerminselAppear=0).
Lovetalk=40 -

Lovetalk= 49,51,52,53,54

First thing is that Dermin simply doesn't want to appear with his weak party - possible solution (I don't if it works because I haven't any problems with Dermin):
-Download [url="http://www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip"]www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip[/url] file. It's the Jaheira romance script, edited to remove the requirement of Dermin from the 53+ Love Talk rating advancements. I don't know if it fixes any other similar wire-crossings earlier in the script.
Second thing is with "Dawning our day" dialogue - there the situation is much more complicated because nobody has a really permanent solution of this problem. The similar situation is with repeated "How...how did that last battle make you feel" (in my games this moment is looped sometimes but usually there is no problem) , possible solutions :
-install official & Kevin's patch
-try to spend some time out of doors.
-reload earlier (e.g. before "How...how did that last battle make you feel") savegame and try to play normally.
-if all these things failed you would use CLUAConsole to change your lovetalk to 55 :
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",55) with pointer indicating Jaheira's picture when you press enter.
How it works ?
[Quith quotation] For some reason, you sometimes only have 53 as your lovetalk rating just before the final Dermin encounter, when you should in fact have 55. What then happens is you meet Dermin, gain 2 lovetalk points, which takes you to 55. DotD takes you to 57 where nothing happens. Simply slap it up to 55, rest outside (at least 9 hours before the final Dermin meet) and you'll get Dawn of the Day, and a lovetalk of 57 (knocked up to about 59 by Dermin).
But there is one danger in this method that would be described later.
I thing that there are no 100 % solution for this problem, but there are some things that could help.
Lovetalk= 70 - if we changed lovetalk using shadowkeeper we could expect that in case of some Jaheira's dialogues with other NPCs she could be looped again (and we can "sleep" with her every second - she repeats "Good Morning" dialogue, thanks this bug we could obtain infinite number of Terminsels on the screen with Harper pins and 100000 XP.).There are no solution for this bug. I've heard that there is another problem with not appearing Terminsel - solution :
-install Kevin Dorner's path
-if it doesn't work then you could try :
So sayeh
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Other problems
-If we leave the loop by changing lovetalk there are still some problems. I called it Aerie's test - there is a loop when we have Aerie in the party, she is killed and resurrected (or she has less than 10 hp). Jaheira should talk to her about healings or something like that but she simply repeats the last lovetalk dialogue every few seconds. The same problem occurs in case of Edwin's quest or when J. has less than 15 hp and we have Keldorn in the party).
After loading the savegame where I had lovetalk=51, I forced the next dialogue ("How did last battle make you feel?") then Dermin appeared the second time. Lovetalk has changed to 53. Everything was right (when Aerie had less than 10 hp J. was talking with her about healing etc.) After sleeping J. disappeared and I had to go to Harper HQ to rejoin with her.
And here is the main thing : When I had found Jaheira (Lt=54) ,Aerie's test failed (J. was constantly repeating the next dialogue ("Is..is this an inconvenient time for us to speak?").I don't know the normal conditions for this dialogue, but I belive it changes Lt from 54 to 55 ("dawning our day" 55 --> 57). The failed Aerie's test suggests that romance is looped at this stage and its conclusion could be forced only using CLUAConsole (but the problem isn't solved - when Lt rating is 70 and we make Aerie's test, we could always have "good morning" dialogue as well as infinite number of Terminsels on the screen with Harper pins and 100000 XP.). There are no solution for this problem.
-Rarely encountered bug at the very beginning of the game : if we go firstly to the room with guard golem and take key to Jaheira's cage before talking with her she will not join to the party after opening the cage - she simply asks to hurry up with the opening cage besides that it was done earlier.
-Leaving the Underdark and meeting up with Elhan's elves (AR2500) with Jaheira in the party after becoming involved with the Harpers, the Harpers attack and the elves go hostile, so the game cannot be finished. - solution : Kevin Dorner's patch.
-Very slow romance progression, a couple of strange dialogues - solution : Kevin's patch.
Other problems

-If we leave the loop by changing lovetalk there are still some problems. I called it Aerie's test - there is a loop when we have Aerie in the party, she is killed and resurrected (or she has less than 10 hp). Jaheira should talk to her about healings or something like that but she simply repeats the last lovetalk dialogue every few seconds. The same problem occurs in case of Edwin's quest or when J. has less than 15 hp and we have Keldorn in the party).
After loading the savegame where I had lovetalk=51, I forced the next dialogue ("How did last battle make you feel?") then Dermin appeared the second time. Lovetalk has changed to 53. Everything was right (when Aerie had less than 10 hp J. was talking with her about healing etc.) After sleeping J. disappeared and I had to go to Harper HQ to rejoin with her.
And here is the main thing : When I had found Jaheira (Lt=54) ,Aerie's test failed (J. was constantly repeating the next dialogue ("Is..is this an inconvenient time for us to speak?").I don't know the normal conditions for this dialogue, but I belive it changes Lt from 54 to 55 ("dawning our day" 55 --> 57). The failed Aerie's test suggests that romance is looped at this stage and its conclusion could be forced only using CLUAConsole (but the problem isn't solved - when Lt rating is 70 and we make Aerie's test, we could always have "good morning" dialogue as well as infinite number of Terminsels on the screen with Harper pins and 100000 XP.). There are no solution for this problem.
-Rarely encountered bug at the very beginning of the game : if we go firstly to the room with guard golem and take key to Jaheira's cage before talking with her she will not join to the party after opening the cage - she simply asks to hurry up with the opening cage besides that it was done earlier.
-Leaving the Underdark and meeting up with Elhan's elves (AR2500) with Jaheira in the party after becoming involved with the Harpers, the Harpers attack and the elves go hostile, so the game cannot be finished. - solution : Kevin Dorner's patch.
-Very slow romance progression, a couple of strange dialogues - solution : Kevin's patch.
So sayeh
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
How to change your Jaheira picture ?
To change the skin of NPC you should copy two files with new skin to override folder in BG2 folder. These skins should have proper format and names : e.g. for Jaheira
large picture - NJAHEIRM
small picture - NJAHEIRS
You could find further informations (and huge amount of pictures) on [url="http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/"]http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/[/url] .
Other things :
Some other explanations from Bioware guy :
(I've found it in one of the topics) quote
1) the locket thing where you buy a locket with Jaheira's picture in it in the Docks has nothing to do with the progression of the romance. It can only happen, however, if the romance is active.
2) The Harper plot (where Jaheira gets summoned by the Harpers, ultimately leaves them, and then the ultimate question of her Harper status is determined) is not necessarily part of the romance plot. It is inserted into the overall romance scheme if you have it going, but all that is required is that Jaheira be in your party and you've completed the Xzar/Montaron sub-quest for it to begin.
3) the bandit plot IS part of the romance plots, as your feelings for Jaheira are tested. It is inserted before the Harper plot, so the Harper plot will be delayed until the bandit plot is played out.
I think that's it. Jaheira's plot is the most complex as it has numerous preconditions before it continues on in several cases, but it's not as bad as some seem to think.
David Gaider
Design, Bioware corp.
Personally I don't know what to thing about 2nd statement because I haven't ever found BG2 player that finished Jaheira's romance without doing Harper quests. What is more her romance dialogues indicates that these quests are integral part of the whole romance.
Links :
The official patch: [url="http://www.bioware.com"]www.bioware.com[/url]
Kevin Dorner's patch: [url="http://members.home.net/mrkevvy/"]http://members.home.net/mrkevvy/[/url]
One more Jaheira's romance patch: [url="http://www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip"]www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip[/url]
ShadowKeeper : [url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm"]www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm[/url]
Some other stuff (sounds, pictures): [url="http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/"]www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/[/url] . [url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm"]www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm[/url]
Thanks and greetings for :
Karembeu - He is known as the greatest Jaheira's admirer
Kordeth - He started this topic and was inspiration for me to write this long post.
Quitch - For his advises. It really helped a lot.
Kevin Dorner - Wonderful patches.
Hazib ibn Gorion
Vieux Castor
I look forward for all opinions, suggestions, etc.
Ps. I have deleted part 4 because after some moment I realized that I would reveal too much for everyone that hasn't finished romance (4 part - first sentences of dialogues + lovetalk ratings
Greetings for everyone from Manveru Telkontar, the Proud Member of The Brotherhood of The Woods :
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
[This message has been edited by Manveru (edited 03-28-2001).]
How to change your Jaheira picture ?
To change the skin of NPC you should copy two files with new skin to override folder in BG2 folder. These skins should have proper format and names : e.g. for Jaheira
large picture - NJAHEIRM
small picture - NJAHEIRS
You could find further informations (and huge amount of pictures) on [url="http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/"]http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/[/url] .
Other things :
Some other explanations from Bioware guy :
(I've found it in one of the topics) quote
1) the locket thing where you buy a locket with Jaheira's picture in it in the Docks has nothing to do with the progression of the romance. It can only happen, however, if the romance is active.
2) The Harper plot (where Jaheira gets summoned by the Harpers, ultimately leaves them, and then the ultimate question of her Harper status is determined) is not necessarily part of the romance plot. It is inserted into the overall romance scheme if you have it going, but all that is required is that Jaheira be in your party and you've completed the Xzar/Montaron sub-quest for it to begin.
3) the bandit plot IS part of the romance plots, as your feelings for Jaheira are tested. It is inserted before the Harper plot, so the Harper plot will be delayed until the bandit plot is played out.
I think that's it. Jaheira's plot is the most complex as it has numerous preconditions before it continues on in several cases, but it's not as bad as some seem to think.
David Gaider
Design, Bioware corp.
Personally I don't know what to thing about 2nd statement because I haven't ever found BG2 player that finished Jaheira's romance without doing Harper quests. What is more her romance dialogues indicates that these quests are integral part of the whole romance.
Links :
The official patch: [url="http://www.bioware.com"]www.bioware.com[/url]
Kevin Dorner's patch: [url="http://members.home.net/mrkevvy/"]http://members.home.net/mrkevvy/[/url]
One more Jaheira's romance patch: [url="http://www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip"]www.geocities.com/zanzida/jaheira.zip[/url]
ShadowKeeper : [url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm"]www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm[/url]
Some other stuff (sounds, pictures): [url="http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/"]www.planetbaldursgate.com/nightshade/[/url] . [url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm"]www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors.htm[/url]
Thanks and greetings for :
Karembeu - He is known as the greatest Jaheira's admirer
Kordeth - He started this topic and was inspiration for me to write this long post.
Quitch - For his advises. It really helped a lot.
Kevin Dorner - Wonderful patches.
Hazib ibn Gorion
Vieux Castor
I look forward for all opinions, suggestions, etc.
Ps. I have deleted part 4 because after some moment I realized that I would reveal too much for everyone that hasn't finished romance (4 part - first sentences of dialogues + lovetalk ratings

Greetings for everyone from Manveru Telkontar, the Proud Member of The Brotherhood of The Woods :
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
[This message has been edited by Manveru (edited 03-28-2001).]
So sayeh
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
- Evandarian
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2001 11:00 pm
- Location: Candlekeep, Sword Coast, Faerun
- Contact:
After getting the "How did you feel after that last battle" about 5 times, I was very happy to finally get progress, after sleeping out in the Druid Grove and meeting Dermin for a definitely final encounter (for him).
The mystery is, why did Jaheira end her latest dialogue with a "<snicker>"?
What was that supposed to mean?
Is she getting frisky?
The mystery is, why did Jaheira end her latest dialogue with a "<snicker>"?
What was that supposed to mean?
Is she getting frisky?
I would like to add something more as well as bump this thread up for all new that encounter Jaheira's (or other romance) bugs.
I would like also to ask you to post here all questions about romances - not produce new threads
some more things about romances :
Jaheira : elf, half-elf, human
Aerie : elf, half-elf, human, gnome
Viconia: half-elf, human, half-ogre (after installing Kevin's patch)
Anomen: (I don't know but suppose that humans, elven, half-elven female)
Known problems with other romances :
-There were some problems with Aerie (As NPC not romance) but it was corrected by official patch.
-You must install Kevin's patch if you want to romance Viconia your half-orc protagonist.
-Problems with Jaheira are described above. If you encounter anything new let me know.
CLUAConsole :
All codes for jaheira could be used for other romance - just change name - Jaheira to Aerie, Viconia or Anomen
There is possibility to romance them all at one moment (even if you play female PC) :
They will not kill themselves when you have all of them in the party - but there are several interesting dialogues between them.
You should conclude your romance to have this quest .
It means the following :
Jaheira Lt=70 JaheiraRomanceActive=2
Aerie Lt=49 AerieRomanceActive=2
Viconia Lt=53 ViconiaRomanceActive=2
Anomen Lt=? (I didn't play female) AnomenRomanceActive=2
Manveru Telkontar, a Proud Member of the Brotherhood of the Woods.
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
[This message has been edited by Manveru (edited 04-03-2001).]
I would like to add something more as well as bump this thread up for all new that encounter Jaheira's (or other romance) bugs.
I would like also to ask you to post here all questions about romances - not produce new threads

some more things about romances :
Jaheira : elf, half-elf, human
Aerie : elf, half-elf, human, gnome
Viconia: half-elf, human, half-ogre (after installing Kevin's patch)
Anomen: (I don't know but suppose that humans, elven, half-elven female)
Known problems with other romances :
-There were some problems with Aerie (As NPC not romance) but it was corrected by official patch.
-You must install Kevin's patch if you want to romance Viconia your half-orc protagonist.
-Problems with Jaheira are described above. If you encounter anything new let me know.
CLUAConsole :
All codes for jaheira could be used for other romance - just change name - Jaheira to Aerie, Viconia or Anomen
There is possibility to romance them all at one moment (even if you play female PC) :
They will not kill themselves when you have all of them in the party - but there are several interesting dialogues between them.
You should conclude your romance to have this quest .
It means the following :
Jaheira Lt=70 JaheiraRomanceActive=2
Aerie Lt=49 AerieRomanceActive=2
Viconia Lt=53 ViconiaRomanceActive=2
Anomen Lt=? (I didn't play female) AnomenRomanceActive=2
Manveru Telkontar, a Proud Member of the Brotherhood of the Woods.
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
[This message has been edited by Manveru (edited 04-03-2001).]
So sayeh
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Wise Manveru Telcontar,
The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
The Eregion Wizards
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
My halfling assassin is currently in an active romance with Anomen.WHO COULD ROMANCE WHO ?
Jaheira : elf, half-elf, human
Aerie : elf, half-elf, human, gnome
Viconia: half-elf, human, half-ogre (after installing Kevin's patch)
Anomen: (I don't know but suppose that humans, elven, half-elven female)

There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.