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Morrowind, Bloodmoon, Earth Stone

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Morrowind, Bloodmoon, Earth Stone

Post by Edieb »

I am in the Cave of Hidden Music, and when I hit the hollow stalagmites, no sound comes out. I hear the music, or sounds that are being made with the steam stalagmites, but I can't duplicate it. Has anyone had this problem.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Umm, the exact same thing happened to me, twice. My best advice, would be just to try each possible combination you can think of. Once I started doing that, it only took me about four minutes to get the thing done.
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Dyre Straits
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Post by Dyre Straits »

My excuse for not hearing anything is due to my being nearly deaf.

Can someone tell me whether any of the 'pipes' get activated more than once? I'm simply NOT hearing any sounds at all that I can distinguish.


EDIT: Thanks to some links elsewhere, I was able to get the sequence of the tones and have successfully completed the Ritual of the Earth.
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Post by Loredweller »

On occasion you haven't discovered it yet : you do not have to hit, you have to activate - just as a box or door.

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Post by socks »

activate dont hit

touch the objects like your interacting with a door or object you dont need ato hit them and if you cant hear then observe the steam that comes out fromthe pipes on the roof of the cave ,you should work out th e rythm from that
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