Hi all. My first post, so I hope i do OK. I,m looking for help to kill the dragons to get those chests by the nests. Any help or ideas?
Thanks much
dragon killing
dragon killing
If you try to run, you'll just die tired. Yemron
I didn't kill any Drakes when I looted the chests. I ran like a chicken with his head cut off while dodging fire balls to open up the map and locate the chests. After that I retreated into the trees to kill the scorpions, spiders, and snakes that spawned on the run. I then made a new save and looped around the waiting drakes on my way to the chests. It took me three tries to get Deathlord Plate and the Charm of Night. I didn't save after that until I was safely back in town. I was level 12 with 50 vitality(100 hit points) at the time.
This is how I do it. Put time warp and fire ward in your quick menu. Run down close to the drakes’ area and save (so you can reopen the chest till you get what you want). Start fire ward and run in to the drake area. Just before reaching a chest start time slow (this is only if you don't have enough points in pick locks and inspect to open a level 8 chest). Run up to a chest and hit 'shift'. Open and run away. You may still get hit with a few fire balls but with fire ward it will do little damage. Save your game again and repeat for the next chest. Don’t worry about any random spawns just let them chase you in to the drake area and the drakes will kill them for you. D
Not for the faint of heart/low level
Here's how I killed the drakes before looting the chests. I used the Ward of Fire for protection and dual wielded with a Sapphire Sword and a Golden Katana. I was protected from the fire and I frozed them frequently. Once the drakes were dead the chests were looted at my leisure. I didn't do this until my level was in the mid-high teens.
Here's how I killed the drakes before looting the chests. I used the Ward of Fire for protection and dual wielded with a Sapphire Sword and a Golden Katana. I was protected from the fire and I frozed them frequently. Once the drakes were dead the chests were looted at my leisure. I didn't do this until my level was in the mid-high teens.
I am the Lord of the Waste Land; A modern day 'Man of Steel'. I gather darkness to please me
and I Command you to Kneel
and I Command you to Kneel
To kill dragons the first thing is to attract them near to the ground and far from other dragons. Going near them won't be enough, you also need to hit them with magic or long range and attract them where you want. During that phase don't waste ward fire or sanctuary but be ready to use potions.
Once he is enough near the ground use Ward Fire and assault it with a constant care to use potions/crystal healing and restart a new ward fire if the current one stop. It could take time depending of your weapon and hit strength but you'll get it.
I felt that jump attack is working well to go near to it. Quote that when you jump attack you have the faster hit rate even with an heavy weapon so you can get the chance to hit two times very fast. If you are fihgting near a hill try go on the upper position, you could succeed a few time to jump on his head for very fast series of hit (great technic against borloth). During this phase constantly rushing to the dragon is the only technic I found.
At a moment the dragon will have rise enough in the air so you can move just under it. When this happen you should stop constantly rushing to it and probably start using less jumping attack. You should try to reach the position just bellow it for few hit without moving. Additionaly at this phase it seems that you are less push back by the flamethrower making it easier.
There's perhaps a variant using Forward Roll to go near it without to be push back but I had difficulty to do this move so I didn't tried it a lot.
Perhaps you could try some more subtil stuff as using Nether spell like Slow Monsters or Choking Cloud. I doubt that any Nether summoning will do a good job because they will be killed too fast. But one could worth the try, it's Summon Fiend who sommon probably a monster immune to fire, that won't do any damage to the dragon but could attrack some time its attention to let you hit much more often. Perhaps the Celestial summon can also help.
It's to be quote that Hand Fighting which is the faster technic makes the job easier in one way but tougher in another way because You'll never get the same hit power that powerfull weapon (rised by strength bonus) could allow.
Once he is enough near the ground use Ward Fire and assault it with a constant care to use potions/crystal healing and restart a new ward fire if the current one stop. It could take time depending of your weapon and hit strength but you'll get it.
I felt that jump attack is working well to go near to it. Quote that when you jump attack you have the faster hit rate even with an heavy weapon so you can get the chance to hit two times very fast. If you are fihgting near a hill try go on the upper position, you could succeed a few time to jump on his head for very fast series of hit (great technic against borloth). During this phase constantly rushing to the dragon is the only technic I found.
At a moment the dragon will have rise enough in the air so you can move just under it. When this happen you should stop constantly rushing to it and probably start using less jumping attack. You should try to reach the position just bellow it for few hit without moving. Additionaly at this phase it seems that you are less push back by the flamethrower making it easier.
There's perhaps a variant using Forward Roll to go near it without to be push back but I had difficulty to do this move so I didn't tried it a lot.
Perhaps you could try some more subtil stuff as using Nether spell like Slow Monsters or Choking Cloud. I doubt that any Nether summoning will do a good job because they will be killed too fast. But one could worth the try, it's Summon Fiend who sommon probably a monster immune to fire, that won't do any damage to the dragon but could attrack some time its attention to let you hit much more often. Perhaps the Celestial summon can also help.
It's to be quote that Hand Fighting which is the faster technic makes the job easier in one way but tougher in another way because You'll never get the same hit power that powerfull weapon (rised by strength bonus) could allow.