Well, I have an improtant question-- I know what the MINIMUM system requirements are to run this fun game, but what do y'all Gurus recommend?
My aforementioned Wooly Mammoth computer seems to be a bit older and slower than I previously thought.
The Christmas gift I got 2 years ago is NOT 2.3 Ghz with 256 DD RAM, as my friend said it was, and this could be a major contributing factor as to why I now cannot go further in the Temple. Yep, on the second level, in combat anywhere near the Fire Temple side (wiped out the Air Temple OK), my initiatives just won't end.
Now, Nortons is off, the maps cache is self-cleaning on start-up, and I have no other computer apps running, but everytime I get in battle, magic missiles won't fire, or after a melee swing, the intitiative just won't move on to the next character or enemy
It COULD be because, although I do have 512 RAM on this old beastie (SD I am sure, not DD) the processor is only a paltry 1.15 Ghz!!
I must have been thinking of my other computer- the one I was using before this gift. Hey, an old friend bought a new computer and gave me this one, and it has run absolutely great-up till now. It seemed "cleaner" and better put together than my old one-which I had a computer shop special build about 3 yrs before- back when I was rich, and which is now the kids computer.
BUT, as my "old" computer was assuredly 2.3 Ghz (I just rechecked it) with 256 of SD RAM, I may be cleaning off the Barbie Pet Rescue Files, and the Game of Life, and Pooh stuff, and possibly even reformatting the hard-drive on the old computer to get it sweet once again. With this RAM of course- maybe BOTH RAM chips.
My Question is -what is a decent set-up to run ToEE? I wish I could still get it working on this 'puter, because I don't even know if the other one has a dial-up modem (what I am forced to use these days due to location.) And this system has all my stuff on it, like Norton's 2005 and Microsoft Word, that I need for college, and it just would be a B*tch to redo it all...
Some advice guys?