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BloodMoon -- Am I Done?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Dyre Straits
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BloodMoon -- Am I Done?

Post by Dyre Straits »

Not to spoil anything, but, I've completed the Bloodmoon Quest and returned to the Skall Village.

Also, I've been declared the new Chieftain of the Thirsk Clan.

AND, I've spoken with the Captain back at the fort.

Other than possibilities with Raven Rock, what else should I do that's important?

If there's nothing really 'essential' then I should be able to say I've 'finished' but, as with Morrowind and Tribunal, can we ever really say we're 'done'? There's still so much that can be done.

At any rate, I've just completely enjoyed the story development as I've gone through all 3 of the levels.
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Post by Loredweller »

Tree main things one could accomplish in Solstheim, IIRC (i'm goinig back after very long absence):
- Main: finish the Great Hunt you're invited to;
- become the master of the mead-hall;
- become a factor and build the house;
Some minor matters along the way, too (like as airship quest one could get in Ald'Ruhn).
Oh, you may become a Werwolf and find cure (if you want), some find that most interesting of all.

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Post by Dyre Straits »

Thanks for the reply.

I guess the only main quest I haven't pursued is the Raven Rock one. I suppose I have to actually join up with the company in order to do that, right?

I did take care of that airship/retrieve amulet quest for Louis outside the Mage Guild at Ald'Ruhn.
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Post by Gromph »

Do the Raven Rock quests, they lead to several side quests that are really quite fun. Plus you get to have a funky new town to sleep in and annoy.
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Post by Dyre Straits »

Don't I need to join that company in order to pursue the Raven Rock quest? I haven't as yet is why I'm asking.
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Post by Loredweller »


subj., since all Ravens Rock is about that company (it owns the mines and is going to build the base here), Be aware that there are two endings, you're going to take side at certain point. You certainly are going to finish as a factor here and to be able to build a house, however, without regard of whichever side you would have taken.

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Post by Dyre Straits »

Well, I've begun the Raven Rock quest now.

I've gotten to the point that I have to punch out a guy that's hindering progress.

Wouldn't you know: After pounding on him enough to raise my hand-to-hand at least a couple of levels, the game CRASHED!!

That's so FRUSTRATING!!! (But, it's only the 1,999,997th time it's done so. ;) )
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Post by Dyre Straits »


After another round of fisticuffs, and looking like I had him against the ropes, the game CRASHED!!!

This is really getting old now. :(
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Post by Max Pain »

cant you just kill him with a weapon and save it quickly or dont you have one :p
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Post by Rookierookie »

Well, usually when we punch a person, we DON'T want to kill him.
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Post by Dyre Straits »

[QUOTE=Max Pain]cant you just kill him with a weapon and save it quickly or dont you have one :p [/QUOTE]

The specific instructions from Falco was to rough him up....not kill him. Doing so, I went from Level 13 to Level 40 Hand-to-hand. :)

Anyway, I was able to complete this and have gotten past the 'crossroads' decision.

Also, I've been able to play for HOURS without a single crash tonight. I installed the latest ATi Official Catalyst 5.12 drivers and let them run at the defaults rather than try to boost any of the 'eye candy' settings. Still, playing at 1600x1200x32 is plenty pretty enough. :)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

*sighes* I completed Bloodmoon last night, literally. I have only one quest left to do on the gamebanshee "Blood Walkthrough" and the "misc bloodmoon sidequests"
(The one where you take the book to ulfgar The Unending in Brodir Grove)
So, all I have to do in solstheim is pillage and find a certain book for that one quest (I sold it).
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