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Character Creation

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Character Creation

Post by Rurokenrox91 »

Anyone got ideas for a character for me to create? Choose race, sign, all theh other stuff. I'm tryin to make an imperial legion person. Thanx for all ideas.
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Post by Loredweller »

Not knowing your taste how could we? Beeing Imperial just means to have certain appearnace and some innate bonus. Do you like to play thiefs or other stealth classes - or maybe rather a front-line fighter? Is your PC supposed to crash through all obstacles just usin the brutal force or is he meant to be smart and cunning in finding peacefull ways to get whats needed? Or, if you were a powergamer, what skills and attribute bonuses you'd prefer to start the game with? And, from RP point of view, what skills would be most logical for your PC's profession to have?

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Post by Raven_Song »

Anyone got ideas for a character for me to create? Choose race, sign, all theh other stuff. I'm tryin to make an imperial legion person. Thanx for all ideas.
My advice is don't ask for advice, just play the game and experiment.
Try a number of builds, a number of different races, birthsigns, skill sets etc. and finds which one works best for you.

One of the true joys of Morrowind is that it is player orientated, as opposed to plot driven, you are given the choice to shape your character and choose its path. Make the most of it. ;)

If you are interested in the Imperial Legion bear in mind that their favoured skills are Athletics, Spear, Long Blade, Blunt Weapon, Heavy Armour and Block. Try and work some of them into your character build, perhaps selecting a race with boni in these skills and a birthsign that will prove beneficial.

You might want to consider reading ... eation.txt

which gives you an overview of the various races and birthsigns and suggests how they could be used.
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Post by Coot »

[QUOTE=Raven_Song]My advice is don't ask for advice, just play the game and experiment.[/QUOTE]I couldn't agree more (Yes, that's right... I'm actually agreeing with Raven Song about something:speech: :laugh: ). You could make three characters, one stealth-, one combat- and one magicoriënted character, play with for a while and see what you like best.
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Post by OneWingedAngel »

[QUOTE=Raven_Song]My advice is don't ask for advice, just play the game and experiment.
Try a number of builds, a number of different races, birthsigns, skill sets etc. and finds which one works best.[/QUOTE]

thats some good advice. I usually figure out what I am by just playing the game. Im usually everything combined. I can be stealthy when I want, I can do magic when I want, and the same about fighting. But take this dudes advice, dont ask for any.
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