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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

I know that taunting someone will get them to attack you. I've been buffing up my speechcraft, and I made a successful taunt against someone, but he didn't attack me! How many times do you need a successful taunt for someone to attack you? And if you get, say, one successful, then one unsuccessful, then a successful again, will it affect anything?

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Post by OneWingedAngel »

I tried that on a guard when my speechcraft was like 100. (did the same thing but i talked to him again and he attacked me) so just keep taunting him until he attacks you. you need to keep taunting him until he says something like "Thats it!" or something like that. One successful taunt wont work, you need to taunt him many times for him to attack you.
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Post by Magrus »

*nods* Many successful taunts are necessary. I usually got so frustrated I'd beat the heck out of the person with my fists instead of bothering with that. :rolleyes:
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Post by Loredweller »

Just add the Frenzy Humanoid spell on top of this when his disposition has reached zero.

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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

Thanks all... :)
I just jacked up my Speechcraft (had to sell my pearl collection, lmao...) and I managed to get my enemy to attack me.
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Post by OneWingedAngel »

[QUOTE=Magrus]*nods* Many successful taunts are necessary. I usually got so frustrated I'd beat the heck out of the person with my fists instead of bothering with that. :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

haha, thats one way of doing it but then you get a bounty put on your head. :laugh:
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