[QUOTE=Fiona]And keep house for you lot? Are you kidding?[/QUOTE]
Oh well I guess it was just wishful thinking
*comes back from Delorean* has anyone seen chu....I think something might of happened to him:devil:
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
[QUOTE=Lestat]You mean, noone here likes to kiss near-corpses? I thought there was person for every vice in SYM.[/QUOTE]
*snicker* :laugh:
Ummm.... If anyone at SYM has a thing for kissing near corpses... I don't think I want to know :speech:
I doubt even Slade, Chu et al are *that* degenerate
I was more referring to the fact that few I can think of here have that chivalrous, handsome prince thing happening
Sorry guys.. but it's true...
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Spoiler
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
Chivalrous? You call kissing underage, near-death defenceless girls chivalrous?
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
@ juni; Im cute in the sad puppy kinda way when Im sick.
[url=tamriel-rebuilt.org]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Chus_Mod_Forum/index.php?"]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
I think thats my cue to step here! :laugh:[/QUOTE]
You better before I do! :mischief:
[url=tamriel-rebuilt.org]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Chus_Mod_Forum/index.php?"]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
[QUOTE=dragon wench]Ummm.... If anyone at SYM has a thing for kissing near corpses... I don't think I want to know :speech:
I doubt even Slade, Chu et al are *that* degenerate [/QUOTE]
Gee thanks I dont know if thats a compliment or an insult
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
[url=tamriel-rebuilt.org]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Chus_Mod_Forum/index.php?"]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
[QUOTE=ch85us2001]Slade . . . slade . . . slade . . . *heavy breathing*[/QUOTE]
Now I know I was right when I thought I attracted the wrong type of people
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
[QUOTE=slade]Now I know I was right when I thought I attracted the wrong type of people [/QUOTE]
Youve got a stalker. You should be proud. :mischief: :laugh:
[url=tamriel-rebuilt.org]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Chus_Mod_Forum/index.php?"]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it