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Post by ch85us2001 »

OS is here!!!!!!!!!!! *dances*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we need a queen cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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Post by Ravager »

You mention Queen and I'm outta here. :p

See you later chu (an OS if she turns up here).
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Post by ch85us2001 »

*launches brian may into venus flytrap* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Post by ch85us2001 »

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Post by Ravager »

Right, I'm avoiding the gut-wrenchingness of the state of SYM thread for now.

Anyone around at the moment?

Post by Fiona »

I'm here for a while. That still upsetting you Rav? *note to self* that cocktail does not live up to expectations :(
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Post by Ravager »

No, I'm fine.
Just considering another eply for it that shows more of my view than responding to quotes like I did in my first post.

That and wondering where to start with all the D&D reference guides I just bought. :p

How are you today?

Post by Fiona »

you're taking this very seriously. I infer that you enjoy D&D. Do you play in person as well as on the computer?

Bah. My phone keeps ringing and no-one speaks when I pick it up. Been happening for a couple of days and it just happened again. I do not like this
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Post by Ravager »

Nope, just online at the moment. Don't really know anyone offline who knows this stuff. I'm just trying my best to read up on all this stuff and keep up the quality of the D&D I'm taking over from Kipi.

Oh, I remember that kind of thing. :rolleyes:
Though my dad's girlfriend was more into the random profanity during her mental depression phase.
I suppose it's possible that it's just a wrong number. Have you tried using 1471? (Or whatever Scottish equivalent, though I'd think it would be the same).

Post by Fiona »

Ach this isn't really a problem. I'm twitchy because a couple of years ago a random nutter got my number. His idea of fun was to phone me in the middle of the night and carefully explain his intention to cut my throat. I know, it sounds silly, but I was really really scared. Happened 3 or 4 times before I got my number changed. So I'm a little oversensitive, I suppose

Number with held ( of course)
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Post by Ravager »

That doesn't sound silly to me.
I suppose I have some sort of understanding of that whole kind of thing by now. Never death threats (serious or not) but at the least an inconvienience year after year.
I'd be twitchy under those circumstances too.

Naturally. :rolleyes:
That could mean it's from a mobile phone. 1471 doesn't always pick up mobile numbers IIRC.

Post by Fiona »

It was a while ago. I should not still react in this way. But there you go. I imagine he was some night shift worker with a boring job and a warped sense of humour. Probably just enjoyed scaring women. I often wonder if such people have any idea how long the effects of their jokes last. I did contact the police at the time and they told me it is very common. They weren't interested, to be honest and they made me feel silly for troubling them. They were probably right
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Post by Ravager »

Hmmph. They could at least be more sensitive about it.
And not all of these things are hoaxes.

Besides, in such a situation, what happens if you don't contact the police and whoever is reponsible just continues and/or gets worse?
I would say the police are more at fault there.

Hard to let go of old habits, I know after the Christmas when my dad's girlfriend did her random swearing thing and got chucked out of the car on the side of the motorway for a while followed by the two police callouts, I didn't trust her at all not to 'blow up' again. Still don't really trust her.
It's just hard to see how much of a difference such a condition makes on a person. Normally she's quiet and nice.

Post by Fiona »

Thanks :)

I know what you mean. Once trust is lost it's really hard to get it back. Even when you know the person is ill, it is still scary or annoying, when someone is out of control. Don't know about you but I like people to be reasonably predictable (then again I'm not really the adventurous type)

Never mind. It's a beautiful day and I don't have to go shopping. I'm going to have my dinner then go out for a drive in the country. What could be better than that?
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Post by Ravager »

No problem. I suppose I have a slight understanding through my own experience.

It's less about unpredictably than it is something akin to a personality transplant. You could be warned in advance and still be nowhere near prepared. Completely polar opposites when in the depressive state and when she's out of it.

Sounds nice. Have fun. :)

I was looking at the Poetry thread and saw you posted 'My Last Duchess'. I remember studying that for my English classes. I probably still have all the required analysis notes around the place. :p
I've never been that big a fan of poetry (or too good at making) though. I've never really had a knack for it.

Post by Fiona »

Well I can't write it either. But I love to read it. In the right mood it moves me in ways I can't explain. My Last Duchess is disturbing to me like I suppose horror films are for other people. But it achieves its effect more quietly
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Post by Ravager »

I suppose analysing poetry to the nth degree spoiled it a little for me. For some people it helps them to gain a greater understanding, but for me, re-reading through the thing numerous times and picking it to pieces in order to get details on syllables, dialect, alliteration, assonance, etc. etc. irritates and spoils any personal view of the poem.
Though the same method was used for books. Hard Times (one of those books I studied) was an apt title. :D

Post by Fiona »

I agree. Studying english nearly put me off for life. So I didn't pursue it when I left school. I got through school by avoiding the set texts so far as I could, and reading and writing about what I liked. But I am not sure you can do that now. It's a lot of work only it doesn't feel like work if you do it that way :D
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Post by Ravager »

I think it depends a little on where you study, but personally I didn't get much choice. They gave us a list at the beginning of the year and as the year progressed the teachers micro-analysed the texts. That kind of thing.
With the GCSE examination we were allowed to take the poetry book in and any notes we had written in it (not on seperate paper though) which helped a bit. Especially where there were questions such as 'Compare X and Y poems' which we already had notes on. :D

If you study the set texts, at least the teachers have notes etc on them, that helps a lot in comparison in going through just be yourself trying to spot all the features and possible examination questions.

They didn't allow the texts to be taken into the A-level exams though (but I only took a year of A-level English. That year bored me so much, I couldn't stand any more, I'd hoped that the subject would have been more interesting to me, I guess not in the end.

If I remember correctly, the second year may have involved a choice regarding a text, but seeing as I didn't take that year, I never went through that.

Post by Fiona »

Personally I think it is ok to have set texts for those who don't really enjoy a subject ( any subject, not just english). But there should be scope for people who want to take the risk of going "off piste". National curriculum and all that seems to narrow the scope too much. But that's the brave new world I suppose. I'm off now. See you later if you're about