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Who's the stupidest person you fought?

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Who's the stupidest person you fought?

Post by OneWingedAngel »

haha, I ask this because I was fighting Umbra, and he was running around in a circle. then he ran OVER the mountain into Suran, were he was still running, he ran from there to the manor house out by there, and I finally killed him. :laugh: I thought that was stupid, how about you guys?
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Post by DARK SAGE »

Gotta be that tiny wood elf standing in front of the Mournhold Temple( After he attacked me when I refused to give him 10 gp)
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Post by SupaCat »

that tiny wood elf kicked my ass more then once. Anyway most people of morrowind are idiots!!!! you have too fight them run to somewhere where they cant come and they will go Crazy!!!
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Post by Gromph »

Dagoth Ur....he charged me and I jumped(I jump high) and he went right under me and over the edge into some lava.
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Post by Raven_Song »

I believe it was some brain dead witch who attempted to thwart my argonian character with poison magic
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Post by Gangrel Hound »

Raven's right!!

I can't think of anything more stupid than trying to poison someone immune to poison. Raven wins the round!! hehe
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Post by fable »

There was, as I recall, a warrior standing outside a city who offers to fight you. You can turn him down, but if you don't, he's around level 30 and pretty powerful.

That said, if you can run away, levitate, and carry several restore magicka potions while possessing good destructive spells, he'll just stand around, watching you.

Have to say, I'm looking forward to Radiant AI in Oblivion. It's said to avoid cheesy sitauations like this. :D
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Post by JesterKing »

I seem to recall a certain naked barbarian who thought that, after i had saved his life roughly 2 dozen times, it would be a good idea to kill me for accidentally hurting him with a AoE spell. He took two swings at me with his fists, then ran away from me into a boulder (mind you, i hadnt hit him again) and died.

He never struck me as being overly bright.

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Post by OneWingedAngel »

I think another was Amelexia, (spelt that wrong?) and Her Hands Guards. I attacked Amelexia, (w/e) and the guards attacked me. I jumped in the air and they all said at once, "Run Away!" and scattered. I laughed so hard. and then they all gathered around me and slaughtered me. :laugh:
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Post by 2D2 »

[QUOTE=JesterKing]I seem to recall a certain naked barbarian
i know i saw this guy, i just killed him, oh and theres this orc in the balmora mages guild and if u kill him this message comes up saying about something to do with a doomed world wot the hell!!!???:
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Post by fable »

If it's the message I think it is, it's the game's way of telling you that you just killed someone vital to your main quest. So you need to restart before taking that action--assuming you want to "complete" the game.
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Post by Gangrel Hound »

How about the most annoying...

I can't think of any particularly stupid fighters(that haven't already been mentioned). But I found this to be annoying:

I created an Argonian Pugilist Thief(before I knew that Hand to Hand sucked). He was picking locks, paying the fines, then looting the houses in Seyda Neen. On the way to Arrilles', a guard followed me, a level 1 nobody. When I cam back out a bit wealthy, the guard stated,"Let's see what you're made of." and killed me. I didn't play as an Argonian for two years because of that.
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Post by OneWingedAngel »

I hate people who hate when people hate cliff racers. :laugh: thats a brain buster right there. But I also think cliff racers are stupid, and people who are rude to you.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

Hllalu gaurds are definiteally the stupidest. They just sprint up and attack me, but I have Truflame (good one-handed sword) so there is no problem. But, I mean they just attacked me, no bounty and I'm part of House Hllalu. Honestally, Who just sprints up to someone just to die, the whole thing was rediculous.
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Post by OneWingedAngel »

[QUOTE=RebelousDarkElf]Hllalu gaurds are definiteally the stupidest. They just sprint up and attack me, but I have Truflame (good one-handed sword) so there is no problem. But, I mean they just attacked me, no bounty and I'm part of House Hllalu. Honestally, Who just sprints up to someone just to die, the whole thing was rediculous.[/QUOTE]

seriously. I was messing around on my Nord character before restarting a game, and I got over 2,000,000 gold bounty on my head, and I was running through each town, gathering as many guards as I could to follow me. WOW, I think I had about 20 guards on my ass. Then I jumped in the air and they all ran. :laugh:
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Post by thuthmoth »

This was funny i was walking east cause i was bored and i found this fort called fort Marandus. I walked up the steps to the entrance and theres this one dark elve guard just standing there. so I talk to he ends up being a normal person in armour, so i go in the fort. When i got in i walked up tp this guy dark elve in common cloth at first he does nothing then i try to talk to him a message comes up saying thee charater is in battle. I am liike wtf? Then he pulls out a STAFF OF WAR:laugh: can you belive it i have a norbic (i think i spelled that wrong) claymore that does 50 points of fire damage when it strikes plus i have a long blode of 65:laugh: it was funny i killed him in one blow. After that i whent deeper in the fort and the best wepon i saw was i pittiful imperiel short sword. there was like 3 levels with about ten people in them and i killed all of the silly sad sacks.:laugh:
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Post by Kais Shi »

Archmagister Gothren is pretty stupid, he was kicking my ass mostly because he paralyzed me, so i can't move and i am thinkin i am dead but after he brings my health down to half he pulls out a deadric dagger and attacks me with it, it barely does any damage. after i become unparalyzed he still trys to kill me with it i simply use the umbra sword and kill him in about two hits.
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Post by doinkizzle »

The stupidest person I've ever fought would have to be some of the guards such as the Hlaalu Guard who kept running away from me and an Ordinator who kept casting his spell on me until i killed him.
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Post by REal953 »

[QUOTE=DARK SAGE]Gotta be that tiny wood elf standing in front of the Mournhold Temple( After he attacked me when I refused to give him 10 gp)[/QUOTE]

I gave him as much money as he asked for and he still attacked me. I ran because I wanted to see one of thouse gurads in action, and he got stuck behind a tree. I think it was a glitch.:laugh:
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Post by Siberys »

Spoiler, read at your own risk-

Stupidest enemy to me was the bloodmoon final boss, the smart one. Gods that was pretty easy.
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