8 bits = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte
1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte
1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte
1 kilobit = 1000 bits
1 megabit = 1000000 bits
See below on why I don't think he is using bits.
Why would they make a gaming system that can hold that many games yet so few songs? I have not played a PSP myself, but does it work with you downloading your game onto your PSP, and then saving your saved game to the memory stick? If so, then it makes sense that so much room is taken up on your PSP.
The PSP has nothing with games, other than graphics, that set itself apart from other handhelds; all games are played and ran on the UMD disc. Probably the only thing with regard to gaming that uses the PSP's own (or attached) storage is saved games
Maybe he means the songs are 8KB each?
That isn't possible. I don't think ANYONE downloads MIDI onto their PSPs, and frankly even 8KB is too small for a MIDI, most of mine are over 40KBs.
Though I'm a bit confused what the problem is if the files are 8MB a piece or why bits are being used.
On file sizes I always assume bytes, because people whom know about bits aren't likely to use them for file sizes and will make sure they typed KB, and people who don't know about bits, well, won't use them.