I am playing TOEE without trying to get any reading any spoilers. I do have a gameplay question though. Should I include alot of NPCs? Are there side quests or gameplay issues associated witht he NPCs selecte (like Baldurs Gate)?
Currently I am a CN elf fighter and grabbed a 1/2 orc barbarian from the party creation beginning. We are now at 5th level.
Should I include alot of NPCs?
- Lord Plothos
- Posts: 525
- Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:00 pm
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There's very little that changes depending on what NPCs you have. Just a few dialog things here and there. There are a couple of events involving NPCs, but I can't say more without spoiler problems. Anyway, they're not so special really. If you've only got 2 PCs, you might want to get an NPC or two for support, but if you're not having trouble, then maybe forget them. Especially without Drifter's Humble NPC patch, they're very annoying. With it, they're just like PCs, only you can't see their stats.
Proud user and advocate of [url="http://rptools.net/doku.php?id=maptool:intro"]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)