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Advancing in side quests - Thieves Guild, Morag Tong and Fighters Guilds

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Advancing in side quests - Thieves Guild, Morag Tong and Fighters Guilds

Post by BlackDoom »


I apologize if these questions had been treated elswehere, but I didn't find them while searching this website!

I'm having quite a problem with advancing in the Thieves Guild. I finished all the quests from Sugar-Lips Habassi, Aengoth the Jeweler and Big Helende.
The thing is that, after I signedup for the Thieves Guild, at Sugar-Lips, the first quests she gave me was to get her Dwemer Artifacts from Fatleg’s Drop Off in Hla Oad.
She (or it) skipped the diamond and the Nerano Manor key quests. No problem with me - I'm level 65 or so, and I already explored almost every spot I could explore in Balmora and any other city I entered.
After I got the "no more quests" message from each of the 3 NPCs specified above, I went to Gentleman Jim Stacey in Vivec. He gave me quests up to the Bal Molagmer recovery of Yngling’s Ledger, including the basic quests of finding Nads Tharen’s key, talking to Percius Mercius, bribing Eydis Fire-Eye and talking to Hrundi.
Right now, I'm a Ringleader in the Thieves Guild. From what I recall, the next rank is Mastermind.
I skipped the quest of Big Helende, the last one, the one with Felen’s Ebony Staff. I had it in my Redoran Stronghold, but I chose not to take it. I now regret it, as I think it might have obtained me a promotion inside Thieves Guild.

1) What can I do now to advance in the Thieves Guild?
2) Where can I advance in the Blades faction?
3) What spell do I receive from Eno Hlaalu after I provide him all the Sanguine items? I specify my game version:, Morrowind without any MODs. Just a clean version of Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind.
4) Where in the entire world of Vvardenfell can I get a "Fortify Skill" spell (<Skill>, not <Attribute>, as I already posess "Fortify Attribute", "Drain Attribute", "Absorb Attribute", "Damage Attribute" AND "Drain Skill" spells)? Is it any chance that the spell I should receive from Eno Hlaalu is exactly a "Fortify Skill" spell?
5) Where can I find the so popular Mudcrab merchant? I've cheked out all the Mudcrabs I encountered - and I explored almost 60% of the entire world map, almost all isles (~70-80 %) - yet I couldn't find that NPC!
6) How should I proceid in order to become both Master Thief and supreme leader of the Fighters Guild?

Thanks in advance!

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Gangrel Hound
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Post by Gangrel Hound »


There are only two options I am aware of that wcan help you.
1) Start a new game and do not skip quests.
2) Use the console. The commands are readily available, so I will not repeat them here
The other option is to stick with the sad world in which you missed out on these ingame. I personally would start a new character, using a different race and class to explore new gameplay(I find that fun to do.)

You can only get a fortify skill spell in Tribunal expansion. I have personally never did all the spinner quests to get the spell, so that may be an option. But I am sure someone with that knowledge will be along to advise you.

The mudcrab mechant is on a chain of islands south of the mainland near a dwemer ruin(or was it a daedric one, I can't remember.) I remember reading about the crab merchant long after beating morrowind and trying to find it with the directions I had found. I finally went on a quest to find it, and it took me two days. Again someone with precise directions will come along soon, I am sure.

Finally, once you beat the Caius Cosades leaves, the only way to advance is the console or a mod. I've never seen a mod that lets you, but I am sure they are out there somewhere.
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Post by Loredweller »

1) IIRC, there are barely enough quests for Thieves, so you should finish the staf quest (you could keep it anyway if you wished); also Gentleman Jim may have a pair of gauntlets for you and some quests to do with them of plain view (see if there is - what the word was, "bolmolagers" or something like it? - option in his talking list).
2) just so far to become independant with Cosades leave; don't worry about becoming Archblade;
3) i do not know about particular version, but Fortify Skill was removed from Mephala spell by some patch; it's still available via console, though;
4) consloe only, unless you get extensions - both Tribunal and Bloodmoon offers it for sale (though not at once, be warned);
5) SES from Suran and E of AldSotha there is Dwemer ruin, Mzahnch. E (or ESE) of it is smaller island, the Drunken Mudcrab Merchant is on it.
6) follow the advices of Percius Mercius (Steward of Ald'Ruhn FG); and he will be one who would promote you to this position - after all scores with Hard Heart would be set;
You may even skip Vivec FG quests - and for God's sake do not do last Hard-Hear's biddings (you'll see which ones). Do all you'd be offered in Ald'Ruhn and Sadrih Mora, though.

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