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Levelling bug....?

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Levelling bug....?

Post by ditmunch »

ok, I tried to search for this, but for some reason my searches haven't been bringing any results up recently, so I'll just post it here.

This is my first time playing morrowind, and after level 2 or 3 or so, I started not levelling myself until I gained at least 10 points in three different attribute based skills, so that I can get the full +5 on three attributes at every level. I'm at level 9 right now, and my agility is at 95. I rested just to see how much more I needed to train and, at that time, I was still able to add 3 to it. So, I trained block a few times to get to the full +5 and rested again. This time, the other two attributes I had worked on this level still let me add +5 like normal, but Agility didn't have any multipliers by it, so the most I could gain in it was 1. I unfortunately saved right before I rested that time, so I can't reload just to see if I can just retrain block, rest again and level normally. I've trained block and the other agility based skills about 30 more points just to expirement with it, and no matter how many times I train, I still only get +1. So, basically...

Is it a common bug, that in the last few points of an attribute(95->100) it might do this?

and how could I regain the agility I could have gotten this level without having to level again? I know there's a console command for raising attributes, if anyone wants to post it here...
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Post by Loredweller »

It's the known issue. I even do not know if it's ever qualified as a bug, it's just the way it is. Now you know and could spend less to put into Agility, sorry. I myself had never cared much about 5 points when i was near 100; it's great difference between 30 and 35, and even still considerable between 50 and 55, but between 95. 98 and 100 ... i don't know. By those numbers i usually care less about attributes already.
I'd rather think they did it deliberately.

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Post by Gangrel Hound »

Having played both the Xbox and PC versions, the Xbox version has an aversion to buying training and getting multipliers with major/minor stats. I do not have that problem with the PC version. If I am missing multipliers, having trained a major/minor skill, I would train a misc skill with the same attribute to make it up. I have personally never had the "levelling bug" you are describing, but the misc skill training advice should help you.
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Post by Loredweller »

Hm, i believe he knows how to use misc skills. The problem was that he had necessary 10 points what would normally give 5 points in attributes, however the game offered less, say, only 3.

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Post by ditmunch »

Actually, I originally had I think 7 misc agility based skills, and it gave me +3, then when I trained the last three, instead of giving me the +5, it just went down to +1. I actually also got both int and speed from 95-> 100 today, and I had the same problem. But, anyway, I found the console command to raise my attributes, so I just levelled normally and then raised them to what they should have been. So, problems fixed. Thanks
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Post by REal953 »

I have herd about something like this, you sould try to look in the Elder scrolls web site and post your problem in there forums and see what they say there.
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