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The Heathen Citadel

Anything goes... just keep it clean.

Are there any real godlings on GBanshee at all?

No, cause no one can just smell chicken tandoori and keep alive.
No, cause no one can just smell chicken tandoori and keep alive.
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Post by Magrus »

Heh, some of those conveniance devices never work when it's conveniant that they should. They tend to work when it will annoy the crap out of you. :p
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Ravager »

Well, I always get some kind of random gadget at Christmas. Normally it's a variety of clock. This time, it was the keyfinder and a booklight. :p
Keeps me amused for a short while anyway...
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Post by ik911 »

[quote="Magrus]Uh-huh"]Oh, no, it's not that. According to law and birthdate I'm over 18 so I can perform in movies. It's just that I've yet to find a girl to participate. :D
[size=-1]An optimist is a badly informed pessimist.[/size]
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Iridur says:
Iridur says:
in fact the UFO's you mention are flying sauces, not saucers
Iridur says:
you mix them up with spaggetti
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ says:
did I mention UFO's?
Iridur says:
no, but I need no reason to make a sentence and I'm demonstrating that
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ says:
damn, you're good!
Iridur says:
yes, I like to keep my hair short
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $. says:
oooh, that was such a pointless waste of letters!
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
I'm gonna follow your flow here
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
here I go:
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
there's always sun, but maybe somewhere else when it's dark
Iridur says:
yes, this is the inner mystery of chocolate
Iridur says:
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
but that's like building a sandcastle near the shoreline
Iridur says:
spelling mistakes are usually better of in the darkness of the sun when the sun is elsewhere
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $. says:
oh yes, when the neighbours are away
Iridur says:
sandcastles are better made of plastic
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
plastic can be found everywhere, it's horrible!
Iridur says:
yes! it feels like that thing you stuck at your nose when you have allergies and it itches under your feet too! I hate them!

$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
oh you should talk to the pope about that. it's getting out of control.
Iridur says:
heh the pope... his black bald skin will lead him nowhere! His sword will shine, and even though he's a level 19 thief he'll be stabbed as easy as pie.
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
at the end of the road, you turn left and then at about 100 metres is a fine restaurant.
Iridur says:
yes, its a delivery. I always loved lobsters with cement. They go better through the pie hole, and with olive oil we can always dish out some damage on the waiters.
Iridur says:
btw, the cockroach on your picture wants to hang out with Magrus
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
did you know a homocide was invented by the italians? maybe we should ask someone else...
Iridur says:
yes, with pepper, please
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
get out of my way, I have to speak to the guy in the suit!
Iridur says:
Oh my god its gordon arrestedman!
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
do you think we can do this 'till 1 am?
Iridur says:
maybe we should buy new old tires, with those umbrellas of protection on top
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
we can do the samba while we're at it. And tell the kids they're okay.
Iridur says:
no, the chrismas tree is three times trifold
Iridur says:
(say that three times fast)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
It's time to erase the doorknob.

(no, the chrismas tree is three times trifold no, the chrismas tree is three times trifold no, the chrismas tree is three times trifold... that wasn't hard... )
Iridur says:
dungeons and dorks? Aint that closed yet?
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
Why ask veronica when there's a perfectly fine sample in the teacup?
Iridur says:
because interestelar travel NEEDS rubber bands.
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
This style is killing my feet. I'd settle for a penny.
Iridur says:
Oh my, his underpants are on fire? is that methane going out his buttock?
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
It's a crossbreed of different species.
Iridur says:
No, the generator is offline, of course it wont work unless you lube it up
Iridur says:
(this randomic generator is not as funny as I've thought)
Iridur says:
(can I post it on SYM?)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(why should you post it if it's not as funny?)
Iridur says:
(it'd be funny when they read it)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ says:
(and a clear waste of time
Iridur says:
(But Funny nevertheless. Can I?)
Iridur says:
(You've forgotten a parenthesis!!!)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(I don't know anything about parenthesis! WHAT IS IT?!)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(do what you think is the right thing to do, Luis)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(ah, Gtalk works again)
Iridur says:
(No, but it oughta be funny)
Iridur says:
(immagine all the smiles upon this nonsense
Iridur says:
Iridur says:
(ooh I almost forgot that one)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $. says:
(today, I learnt what parenthesis is)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss. says:
Iridur says:
doesnt matter anymore. I'll buy a portable shack-o-matic
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
While you were in town, I was busy arranging flowers for the mayor
Iridur says:
oooh she has nice legs
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(omg, did you use an internet randomic generator?!)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
the situation has been explained before. when will you listen?!
Iridur says:
(do that exists?)
Iridur says:
yes, my bucket has a hole on it, over the top, and the water is smelling very well, like roses
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(I don't know... I'm trying to figure out why you said this randomic generating wasn't so funny as you thought and then continued)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
Every normal dog I know has 4 paws. But not this one.
Iridur says:
(its nonsense, ik, there's no fun on nonsense when nonsense is about nonsense)
Iridur says:
the flowers on the sunset go bye bye
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(I don't understand )
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
there's some unexpected wheatherconditions, but we should be able to survive
Iridur says:
my snowball cat is full of feathers
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(you really really really confuse me.... you say this randomness isn't that funny, the next sentence you say you want to post it because it's funny, and now you say nonsense on nonsense is not funny)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
the papers are in the back.
Iridur says:
I'm tired of this inconvenience, try not pulling your bra too far!
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
Take it like a man, Sandra!

Iridur says:
(die, then)
Iridur says:
die, then!
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(**** you)
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
you ***got!

$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . just sent you a Nudge!

$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss. says:
is me!
Iridur says:
Iridur says:
(word association)
Iridur says:
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $. says:
(you're fired)
Iridur says:
our conversations are usefull for humankind. may we be able to keep these pearls of wisdom to the future generations
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
your ambitions inspire me.
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(ey, are you still planning to put this one GB?! )
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
Iridur says:
$ ıҝ٩¹¹ $ . says:
(your turn)
Iridur says:
(I have to make a homelet for my father, be back in 10)


This is what young people do at the internet, after not getting laid, after not getting drunk, after not going to the toilet to wash their brains when they were kids.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by Ravager »

Wow, that's..uh...practically a life story...and too long and convoluted for me to properly read through. Ah well. :p ;)
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Post by Magrus »

[QUOTE=ik911]Oh, no, it's not that. According to law and birthdate I'm over 18 so I can perform in movies. It's just that I've yet to find a girl to participate. :D [/QUOTE]

:laugh: I know some, although, it's more of a part-time job for them, so it wouldn't be free. :p
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by ik911 »


You have a monkey, Ravager has a scyther, AC has a monkey, Luis Antonio is a farmer.

You're all copying my avatar! :eek: How kewl!
[size=-1]An optimist is a badly informed pessimist.[/size]
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Post by Magrus »

I'm not copying you, I just dug for a picture of a dunce cap and found the monkey with one. It's perfect for me! :D
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Hill-Shatar »


You have a monkey, Ravager has a scyther, AC has a monkey, Luis Antonio is a farmer.

You're all copying my avatar! :eek: How kewl!

Mine is the Double Helix of your avatar! Dear Lord! :eek: ;)
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

My pitchfork smilie mimics your scythe!!!!!!!!!
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I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
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Post by Ravager »


You have a monkey, Ravager has a scyther, AC has a monkey, Luis Antonio is a farmer.

You're all copying my avatar! :eek: How kewl!

Actually, mine has a sword.
I wouldn't dream/dare/bother to copy your avatar... :p ;)
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Post by ik911 »

[QUOTE=Hill-Shatar]Mine is the Double Helix of your avatar! Dear Lord! :eek: ;) [/QUOTE]
Hmm. Lesson of today: Comics have very short DNA strings.

[quote="chus]My pitchfork smilie mimics your scythe!!!!!!!!![/quote]:speech:
[quote=Ravager]Actually"]Oh yes, I see it now. A sword. You may pass. ;)
[size=-1]An optimist is a badly informed pessimist.[/size]
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Post by Phreddie »

Ik, does my avatar copy yours? Am I the elderl version of you perhaps? :confused: This was not an attempt to bump this thread to anger chu.

Happy New Years to those of ye who have made it there, or are on the verge, ive got about seven hours left of '05, and i plan to spend them like they were spent all year... doing nothing.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
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Post by Ravager »

One and a half hours for me. :p
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Post by Phreddie »

Brits.... still won admit were better will ya? after we beat you in war, still wont admit it...
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
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Post by Ravager »

Maybe we just wanted to be shot of you Yanks. :o ;)
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Post by Magrus »

Bah, we have the people in the Carolina's who still think they won the war, and the people in Britain who think their better than us. You know what though? The Yankee's piss everyone off unless we're spending money. So, bugger off to all of you! :laugh:

*mutters* I'm gonna try going sober tonight. :(
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Athena »

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Post by Ravager »

Hah. You get annoyed with yourselves too though, don't you? :p

It's midnight happy new year! :D

Good luck Mag. ;)
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Post by Athena »
