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The Bowerstone North Police Chief

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The Bowerstone North Police Chief

Post by Dizzie321 »

If you marry lady grey is there anything else he does because he is marked with a green icon asif he is there to do something but all he does is say summin lyk 'she seems subdued, what did you say to her'

any help would be apreciated, again not very important bt the little things annoy me most :laugh:
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Post by robc_626 »


So far no clue. If there's any use for the guy, I haven't found one yet. I think he just lets you know how your love life is going. Because the Lady does give you nice gifts if you are nice to her, but I haven't had time to see if he says anything different when she is completely smitten with you.
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Post by FableCruncher »

[QUOTE=Dizzie321]If you marry lady grey is there anything else he does because he is marked with a green icon asif he is there to do something but all he does is say summin lyk 'she seems subdued, what did you say to her'

any help would be apreciated, again not very important bt the little things annoy me most :laugh:[/QUOTE]

If this is the same guard guy who is in Bowerstone North when you first get there, he is always outlined with green to my knowledge..In fact, in Lost Chapters you can go ahead and turn Lady Grey in as long as you don't do in thunder.

That same town guard actually makes you mayor if you choose the alternate path and do not get together with Grey forever. He keeps track of the quest the prisoner gives you in order to turn in Lady Grey.

I do not know of any other use for him, although I wonder if you can keep Ronok the Axe & somehow still reveal the murder....I'd like that alot more because you can't go through the demon door without being married to her, and you can't get married to her and turn her in at the same time. Oh well.
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