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If money was no object for you what would you do? (Spam on topic)

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Post by Chimaera182 »

[QUOTE=Magrus]Realistically? Tear down the existance of human civilization, put all other species back in their rightful species, and exterminate the human race. *nods* It just so happens to be the only way to see to it this species doesn't kill all of the others off.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Demortis]And here I thought I was the only one who thought of this :D

I think I could go with, the creation of my own personal army, with the most high tech equipment, conqure(sp? leave me alone its early here!) the world and become ruler! Just becuase no one thinks Im intimidating![/QUOTE]
Hm. It's fun to be a nihilist. And believe me, Demortis, you're not the only one. :p

And you will have to beat me to it, Demortis. I think if money were no object, first I'd have to send an assassin your way... :mischief:
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

[QUOTE=Lestat]I'd travel around the world and visit each SYMmer in person.


To quote The Z:

Double :D that.[/QUOTE]

Well, that home security businessman is about to become my new best friend. :eek: :D
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Post by Xandax »

If money was no object for me - I'd live pretty much as I do now (even go to work - I love my profession, sue me :p :D ), except I'd buy things I want when I want them, instead of having to save up for it.

It's right - I'm that boring and non-idealistic.
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Post by Athena »

I like the wine sampling, writing bartering ideas and healthcare for all, aside from the prison reform. (Took me a while) Thanks for the input, everyone.
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Post by Phreddie »

@lasher, was that the book (series) where the guy travels from world to world on different planes, through gate ways, pendragon I tihnk?
@mag & demortis: go and google VOluntary Human Extinction movement, or check the link i posted in the religion/beliefs thread.
@Xandax, I think I just might sue you, youre sick!
What would I do:
Well, i would buy the world, and pull a nero, light the major cities on fire, then take those that I blame for it and cover them in oil, tie them to stakes and use them for torches so that I could read at night.

Reallistically, I would dish out every penny I had to charity and go back to work, after taking a camping trip across the world, one that lasted three years, with two week resting periods every three months. People need money more than I do, I am content with a simple life, some people need lots fo moeny jsut to live, who am I to deny them that chance?
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=Xandax]If money was no object for me - I'd live pretty much as I do now (even go to work - I love my profession, sue me :p :D ), except I'd buy things I want when I want them, instead of having to save up for it.

It's right - I'm that boring and non-idealistic.[/QUOTE]

No its the wisest thing to do.....too many people get money and spend it on junk and become a new person that their not. Money doesn't buy freedom, it rents it..then when you cant pay for it, your thrown back out into the streets.

I would buy animes to watch and get a nice little house some where here in my area. I then would go out to buy a bunch of books to read and educate myself more.I would also buy art supplies to draw and and create things...oh and a computer to spam here wit hyou guys :o ;)
nothing too fansy
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=slade]No its the wisest thing to do.....too many people get money and spend it on junk and become a new person that their not. Money doesn't buy freedom, it rents it..then when you cant pay for it, your thrown back out into the streets.


"Enough" (subjective, but that was the premisse of the question in this thread) money does infact buy economical freedom with which you can get the things you want when you want them, which is important to some, and not to others. It would be to me anyways, more so then some alturistic notion of being able to cure world hunger and bring about world peace.

It would mean that if I wanted that new hardware for my computer(s) - I'd buy it. If I wanted a new car - I'd buy it. If I wanted to travel to someplace - I'd do it. That is a form of freedom, because it enables you to do things you want, and not what other factors want.

And yes, I've heard the cliche of "becomes new persons" .... heck we become new persons with each passing day, it's called development. Some apparently don't take to money well - I've never met anybody, so I wouldn't know - but I'd think it is more personality then anything else. At least I've not seen any studies showing "people change with money".... ;)
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Post by Aramant »

If money were no object, I'd take over the planet. Hands down. I'd flatten the entire continent of Africa, harvest it for all that I could, and then make it into an international parking lot/landing strip. With all the problems that continent has, it seems far more cost effective to wipe it out than to try to fix it. Same with a good deal of the planet, really. I'd selectively gather people who matter, or who I like, make an isolated utopia, and then leave the rest of the planet to rot.

Yeah, it'd be nice to remedy world hunger, cancer, AIDS, or to bring about universal peace... but I'm only going to be around for another sixty years, barring assassination or random accident, so what do I care? Look out for number one, I say.
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Post by Cuchulain82 »

[QUOTE=Athena]I like the wine sampling, writing bartering ideas and healthcare for all, aside from the prison reform. (Took me a while) [/QUOTE]
I agree with the above. I think I would travel for much of my life. If I could leave one legacy behind, it would be (universal) access to clean water.


How is exterminating and paving Africa looking out for number 1?
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Post by Aramant »


How is exterminating and paving Africa looking out for number 1?[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
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Post by Cuchulain82 »

It doesn't sound like you worry about it much now. I dunno- it's pretty heartless to pave all of Africa, especially the pyramids.
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Post by Aramant »

I used the term "worry" loosely.

Maybe wiping out a continent is cold and heartless... but to be honest, Africa means nothing to me. And this isn't a racism thing or anything like that. Really, if I'm going to be making my own little utopia, everything else can be paved, for all I care. I'd say I'd just leave everything and everyone outside my utopia to fend for themselves, but inevitably someone on the outside is going to want my little peice of heaven, and certainly they'll eventually start causing problems for me.

But if they're not there in the first place, they won't be able to cause me problems.
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