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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by shana »

I was wondering how all the caverns and caves work in the game, and whether or not they change. I went to Illinubi to get rid of the Dagoth, but I think I had been there before. Was the Dagoth in there when I was a level 1 or was he placed there after I was given that quest? If I had cleared out the cave earlier in the game, would I have successfully completed the quest, or would I have had to do it again?
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=shana]I was wondering how all the caverns and caves work in the game, and whether or not they change. I went to Illinubi to get rid of the Dagoth, but I think I had been there before. Was the Dagoth in there when I was a level 1 or was he placed there after I was given that quest? If I had cleared out the cave earlier in the game, would I have successfully completed the quest, or would I have had to do it again?[/QUOTE]

Each cavern was predetermined for content. You can uninstall and reinstall, and you'll find the same inhabitants. What changes as you increase in level are the random encounters, walking along a road, hiking over a mountainside, etc. There will be some spawning in Daedric, Dwarven and similar sites, but it's related to the passage of time that you're around, not your level.
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Post by shana »

Thank you!
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