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Why am I being attacked!?!?

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Why am I being attacked!?!?

Post by zygotetheunborn »

Okay, so I walked into Ald'Ruhn, and everything was just peachy. No guards seemed to mind my presence. Then I walked into the large "turtleshell" house and was attacked by every guard in the place for no reason. These are the same type of guards outside the yet none of them attacked me after I ran like a little girl from the guards inside. Then I went into the Skar Inn, also in Ald'Ruhn, and the same thing happens! The guards inside these buildings are attacking, the guards outside are not.

I'm also having the same problem in Vivec. Certain Ordinators, specifically the ones in the Foreign Quarter, do not attack me (except for the one in the plaza). However, outside of the Foreign Quarter, and in all the other cantons, Ordinators are constantly trying to kill me.

Does anyone have ANY idea as to why this is happening? The Ordinators I'm thinking attack because I killed one for his armor, but I always leave that armor behind when visiting Vivec, and they still come after me, regardless of what I have on. And I know for certain I never did anything to piss off the Hlaalu guards, and they only seem to attack when I walk inside a building in Ald'Ruhn. I have no bounty, and I've even tried committing crimes and paying for them to see if that will stop the attacks, but it does not. It's become extremely frustrating trying to complete quests in these areas. If anyone has any suggestions on how to stop these seemingly random attacks please let me know.
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Post by zygotetheunborn »

Hmm, after more thurough browsing of the forums I've found an answer to my Ordinator dilema. Alas, there does not seem to be anything I can do but fight them off, hide from them, or calm them. heh, maybe I'll try charming one and seeing if can get him to fight with another. Might be a fun way of getting them off my case. The Hlaalu are probably acting along the same lines although I'm not sure what I did to set a fire in their trousers... fortunately they're not as tough as Ordinators. Sanguineas Acreleti (the name I've given my extremely powerful Dadric blade) will just have to handle negotiations in this matter.
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Post by fable »

There's one way out: if you're playing on the PC, there's a mod that will cause the ordinators to forget your previous "interactions" with them.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

The same thing happened to me in Balmora with the Hlallu guards, I couldn't do anything about it and I just lived with it and fought them off.
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Post by DrwHem »

mabey its because your in a rival house. the guards outside the big crab shell are just imperial guards but the ones inside are house...whatever those guys in the crab shell are called...sadly i am in that house and dont know the name. same with vivec i think. i killed an ordinator in the jail quest and all i did was ran to the next one i saw and paid a 300 fine...and he took my boots even though i had 4000 gold.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

[QUOTE=DrwHem]mabey its because your in a rival house. the guards outside the big crab shell are just imperial guards but the ones inside are house...whatever those guys in the crab shell are called...sadly i am in that house and dont know the name. same with vivec i think. i killed an ordinator in the jail quest and all i did was ran to the next one i saw and paid a 300 fine...and he took my boots even though i had 4000 gold.[/QUOTE]
Anything stolen will be taken by the gaurds even if you have enough money. To avoid this, drop everything before talking to gaurds when paying off a bounty.
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