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Start dying!!!

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Start dying!!!

Post by Droideka1179 »

Hey guys I just got morrowind for xbox so forgive me for sounding stupid.
Ok so I am going to investigate these ruins by Hla Oad and out of no where comes this laughing creature with big ears, it says that my weapon has no affect so does any one know how to put a spear through these things hearts?
Keep in mind that I have no magic what so ever.
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Post by dragon wench »

It sounds like you encountered a scamp..
Scamps are a form of low level daedra. To kill them you need a magically enchanted weapon, or a better grade of non-enchanted weapon. I'm not sure what the minimum for a non-enchanted weapon is though, it might be silver.. but somebody else will have to clarify.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

It is silver, so you should be able to use the following.

I think thats all, but inform if theres more.
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Post by fable »

If all you have so far is an ordinary weapon, you need to do more of what Mel Brooks would call "moichandicing." Destroy thief hideouts in caves, grab loot, and sell it. With luck, you might even find a nice sword, but if not, you can always buy an enchanted sword or get one enchanted at a mages' guild.

And if you're on a PC, you can install mods that add new shops, with different weapons.
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Post by Droideka1179 »

If I was on pc I would just use a cheat, but thanks for all the help.
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Post by Loredweller »

Smith in Caledra (guild guide from Balmora. AldRuhn, Sadrih Mora, Vivec) sells silver spears. Both traders in Balmora Figters Guild and across the Seven Plates sell silver arrows, one in Balmora Figters Guild also several enchanted blades and IMHO (i could be wrong) also a Silver axe, and Khajiit merchant near the Balmora Mages guild also weapons able to summon Bound Weapons (i don't believe you could afford 9K Katana, but a Tanto or a Spear - why not?)

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Post by Luis Antonio »

Surely its a scamp. You should avoid them till level 3, and use a silver (at least) sword. I had to run from one of them for a long long way once, exactly behind caldera (there's a daedric temple nearby, yurch, where sandstorms roam the earth).

Or pick up a soul gem and enchant your weapon with a light lightning damage, and they'll fall even if you've just exausted the charges.
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Post by Droideka1179 »

I need some help enchanting my weapons.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

If you do a search on "enchant" you'll find the topic has been covered extensively...
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Post by fable »

...which is why this thread is now closed.
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