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How assassins work? And some other questions*Possible Spoilers*

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How assassins work? And some other questions*Possible Spoilers*

Post by Siberys »

Ok, got a question here about the assassins with how they work.

First off, they come a LOT more frequently than expected, is this normal? I've been getting an assassin attack every 2/3 rests pretty much. I've also gotten an attack INSIDE the mages guild at balmora. No way that makes sense.

Secondly, how is it that they are getting stronger? Is it because I level, or is it with the number I kill? Depending on which, I'm gonna have to start doing things faster than before. I've noticed that they've been getting a bit stronger as I kill more and level, as well as their equipment improves, but I'm not sure how they improve.

Some other questions about this game. This is the first time I'm probably going to try and do more than 1 guild. And before with the guilds, it's always been a simple Mage, Fighter, or Thief choice. Didn't even involve the houses or things like that.

Now, my character is an Imperial, custom class but more of arcane, diplomatics, and a small bit of fighting. No stealth whatsoever. What houses, guilds, cults, temples, etc would you recommend I join? I'm thinking House Hlaalu, the fighter's guild and the mages guild.

Also, how do I level endurance. Obviously putting a dot in it will increase it, but how is it that I gain multiples for endurance? Hurting myself? Cause if it's that, then I usually do that by leveling Acrobatics. Or are there easier ways. How about luck, how is it possible to get multiples of luck, or is that just not possible.

Most of the assassin stuff I never bothered trying to figure out, they were cake after the first attack. The first attack, it was hard. But when I sold his equipment and bought some insane stuff, then all of them are pretty easy. Just need to know any information you guys might have on them.

Last question, when fighting the final boss for bloodmoon, which do you think I should choose? Smart, Strong, or Fast? I want the hardest and have only fought smart, which was pretty easy.

Thanks for your time if you lend it.
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Post by Raven_Song »

That's a lot of questions...
First off, they come a LOT more frequently than expected, is this normal? I've been getting an assassin attack every 2/3 rests pretty much. I've also gotten an attack INSIDE the mages guild at balmora. No way that makes sense.
It's level dependent the higher the level the more you get and the stronger they are, and yes they can attack you pretty much anywhere.
Secondly, how is it that they are getting stronger? Is it because I level, or is it with the number I kill? I've noticed that they've been getting a bit stronger as I kill more and level, as well as their equipment improves, but I'm not sure how they improve.
Level related
Now, my character is an Imperial, custom class but more of arcane, diplomatics, and a small bit of fighting. No stealth whatsoever. What houses, guilds, cults, temples, etc would you recommend I join? I'm thinking House Hlaalu, the fighter's guild and the mages guild.
Why not join them all? (Obviously aside from Great Houses)
As regard great houses have you considered Telvanni - Hlaalu is more geared towards stealth based characters
Also, how do I level endurance.

Train spear, medium armour or heavy armour
How about luck, how is it possible to get multiples of luck, or is that just not possible.
It's not possible

Can't answer the Bloodmoon question, as despite having it installed I've not played it yet.
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Post by Loredweller »

Last question, when fighting the final boss for bloodmoon, which do you think I should choose? Smart, Strong, or Fast? I want the hardest and have only fought smart, which was pretty easy.
You could find a key for any lock, and then it's easy. They are nearly equal, it's the spear what makes the third form (guile) more dangerous, altogether as long as you stay clear ...

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Post by Siberys »

Hmm, alrighty, helps a lot. Is there any other way to level endurance? I don't use medium or heavy armor, and as said, I use small blades.

Thanks for the help so far.
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Post by Raven_Song »

You can buy training in these skills or find books that boost them,but there are only a limited number of books and purchasing training can get expensive.
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